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Home / jonathan gold documentary

City of Gold: The Jonathan Gold Documentary Comes to LA Early 2016

Us foodies never get tired of looking at food. But our food porn is about to take on a different form, as the documentary about the ultimate foodie, Jonathan Gold, is to soon premiere in Los Angeles.


Directed by Laura Gabbert, the film had debuted at Sundance Film Festival last year, with a few limited screenings, but come March 11, (according to Eater L.A.) it will be playing in select theaters, to be announced closer to d-day.

City of Gold takes us into the life of revered LA food writer Jonathan Gold. Observant, thorough, deeply in tune with the city’s dining and cultural landscape, Gold has taken us to the most extravagant and high-class restaurants, to the most underrated, hole-in-the-wall joints, documenting each experience his fine-tuned, Pulitzer Prize-winning voice.



Eager to watch? Curb your hunger for the film release with this appetizer of a trailor:

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