MASKED HERO Cindy Evans was named the 2021 Marin County Teacher of the Year in part due to her Covid-19 response. Photo courtesy Marin County Office of Education. Cindy Evans, the newly announced 2021 Marin County Teacher of the Year, believes in the power of learning. As a special education teacher, Evans works with students who have complex learning needs. Yet, Evans affirms that all students have an innate capacity to learn and she helps her students overcome their individual challenges by creating a classroom that prizes inclusivity and acceptance. “She is one of those teachers that everybody would like their child to be in her class,” says Mary Jane Burke, Marin County Superintendent of Schools. Specifically, Evans implemented an inclusion program in her classroom at San Jose Middle School in Novato that works in collaboration with the school’s general education program. Evans’ classroom promotes integration between her students and that of their general education peers. “When you enter my room, you will see a beautiful mixture of students all at the same age, but with very different sets of challenges. For me, this is the ultimate inclusive classroom experience where I have the opportunity to reach such a […]