Monrovia Crime Blotters: Sept. 3-9
At12:27 a.m., a vehicle traveling in the 100 block of South Mountain collidedwith a tree. Officers arrived and found the driver to be under the influence ofnarcotics. The suspect is currently on parole for robbery and was arrested fordriving under the influence. His vehicle was searched and a magazine loaded with9mm ammunition was found, which was added to his charges.
At8:17 a.m., an employee of a business in the 1400 block of South Shamrockattempted to start a company vehicle and discovered someone had taken thebattery. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. This investigation iscontinuing.
At12:03 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of Hidden Valley reported their vehiclehad been burglarized sometime over the past weekend. When she discovered thetheft Monday morning, she noticed personal items had been stolen from insideher vehicle. This investigation is continuing.
At4:54 p.m., the owner of a business in the 400 block of West Foothill calledpolice to report someone had stolen his vehicle sometime after he parked it at3:45 p.m. The vehicle is a white, 1994, Toyota pickup truck. The vehicle wasentered into the stolen vehicle system. This investigation is continuing.
At7:32 a.m., a resident in the 1200 block of Encino walked outside his home anddiscovered someone had rummaged through his unlocked vehicle sometime duringthe night. Several items were taken, including his wallet and credit cards.This investigation is continuing.
At8:20 a.m., a domestic violence incident was reported at a parking lot in the700 block of East Huntington. The victim reported that his boyfriend of threeyears had just hit him multiple times causing injuries. Officers and paramedicsresponded and after an investigation, the suspect was arrested for domesticviolence. The victim was treated by paramedics for his injuries.
At12:30 p.m., a subject called police to report seeing his friend’s stolen pickuptruck parked in the Los Angeles County area of Monrovia at Brisbane and Myrtle.Officers responded and recovered the pickup truck. The owner was notified, andthe truck was returned to him. This investigation is continuing.
At8:04 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from a business parking lot in the 400block of West Huntington. The victim reported his vehicle was stolen while hewas inside a business. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. Apossible suspect was seen on security camera video. About 30 minutes later,officers on patrol saw the vehicle in the 100 block of West Lemon. A trafficstop was conducted, and the driver fled from the vehicle and ran through nearbyresidences. A search was conducted, but the suspect was not located. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At11:51 p.m., an officer patrolling the 100 block of East Olive saw a vehicledrive through a stop sign. He conducted a traffic stop and noticed the drivershowed symptoms of intoxication. A DUI investigation was conducted andconfirmed the driver was intoxicated. The driver was arrested and held for asobering period.
At3:45 p.m., a security officer for a hardware store in the 1600 block of SouthMountain reported a male subject just left the store with merchandise withoutpaying. Officers responded and searched for the subject but could not locatehim. This investigation is continuing.
At10:58 p.m., officers responded to a grocery store in the 100 block of WestFoothill regarding a shoplifting incident in progress. When contacted byofficers, the suspect returned the concealed items and the grocery storedeclined prosecution for the theft. During the investigation, the suspect wasfound to have an active warrant for his arrest, and he was also found to be inpossession of drug paraphernalia. The suspect was arrested.
At12:30 a.m., an officer on patrol near the intersection of Foothill and Canyonsaw a vehicle traveling south on California with no lights. The officerinitiated a traffic stop and the vehicle fled, running through several stopsigns and a red light at a high rate of speed. The vehicle lost control andcame to a stop on Foothill at Canyon. The driver was arrested for evading anddriving without a license.
At7:29 p.m., a resident called police to report two bicycles had been stolen fromthe front porch of her home in the 200 block of West Lime. Officers arrived anddetermined the theft occurred at 2:30 a.m. The victims Ring camera capturedvideo footage of the suspect. This investigation is continuing.
At1:04 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of Highland called police to report herex-boyfriend was on her property, knocking on her back door. Officers arrivedand were unable to locate him. Several hours later he returned to the home. Theresident had the suspect on video. The investigation revealed he had beenadvised he was not welcome at the location and was issued a no trespassnotification. Officers contacted the suspect and arrested him for thetrespassing violation.
At10:43 a.m., officers responded to a motel in the 900 block of East Huntingtonregarding a male and female arguing in one of the rooms. When officers arrived,the female claimed her boyfriend hit her with his cell phone and kicked herduring an argument. She also told officers he beat her up in Riverside the weekbefore. She had visible injuries from being hit with the cell phone. Officersarrested the boyfriend for domestic violence, and he was taken into custody.
At10:34 p.m., a subject was seen on surveillance cameras trespassing inside abusiness property in the 1400 block of South Mountain. Officers arrived anddetained the suspect, who was also found to be in possession of multiplecontrolled substances. The suspect was arrested.
At7:37 a.m., officers responded to the 1800 block of Eighth Avenue regarding thereport of a stolen vehicle. The victim parked his vehicle in the secureunderground garage for his apartment the day prior. An investigation revealedthe suspects also pried open eight garage storage cabinets and stole acomputer. This investigation is continuing.
At9:43 a.m., a bank in the 100 block of West Foothill reported a broken window onthe east side of their building. The break was not large enough for anyone togain entry. Officers arrived and saw there was a piece of broken clay potteryon the ground, which appeared to have been used to damage the window. Thisinvestigation is continuing.