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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Former Mayor, Students Reflect on Continuing Controversy Over Apache Imagery Use at AHS

Former Mayor, Students Reflect on Continuing Controversy Over Apache Imagery Use at AHS

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Last week we received numerous letters and phone calls regarding the page one story on Arcadia High School’s use of Apache imagery. One former student, Jill Flanders, who graduated in 2018 questions why the school newspaper is called “The Pow Wow,” the news television program (which she was a producer and reporter for) is called “Apache News,” the school bulletin board is called “Smoke Signals,” the marching band’s auxiliary team has performers dress up as “Apache Princesses.”

An issue of the Apache Pow Wow from May/June 2019. – Courtesy image

In a letter to Arcadia Unified School District (AUSD)Superintendent Dr. David Vannasdall, Flanders looks back at her years at theschool and seriously questions the school’s continued usage of the Apache themeand word(s) related to the tribe. Flanders wrote:

“I thinkback to Friday nights at football games, looking forward to the end of nighttradition of singing out at the end of the Alma Mater song with theband’s Apache War Cry, because we needed a way to show our schoolspirit. I assume these traditions still hold.

“By theserepresentations, it seems like the Apaches are still Arcadia’smascot. Can you blame me, or Mr. Burstyn or the 1,342 other people who havesigned the new change.org petition for thinking that?

“I work inthe film industry and sometimes we shoot scenes on sacred land. Much like yourorganization, our team works with the leadership of local indigenous people tomake sure they are protected, honored, and benefiting from our presence. Weco-host blessing ceremonies with the participation of our entire crew and weproduce beautiful content for use on social media using our platform to amplifythe voices of the people we are working with, connecting them with millions ofviewers globally.

“I certainlyrecognize how complicated the relationship with the White Mountain Apache tribeis and how it may seem like an injustice to propose turning away from thehistory we have as two communities united in this unique way. However, I haveseen many productive ideas out there and don’t see anyone petitioning for therelationship to be diminished.

“The schoolought to maintain a relationship with the tribe and work on a true partnershipwhere students learn more actively about the injustices the indigenous peoplein our country continue to live with. All Arcadia students need to learn how toapply their talents to helping people, beyond donating scraps (canned food,jackets, blankets, spare change). Arcadia alumni should graduate with the samepassion for social justice that Martin Plourde felt when he met with the WhiteMountain Apache tribe some 20 years ago. Students should be aware ofthe ongoing progress (or lack thereof) in the fight for justice in our sistercommunity and what tools they have as citizens to demand better for their brothersand sisters. They should compare and contrast the tribe’s progress with theprogress made in Arcadia with the use of public funds.

“Statues,busts, bronze seals, display cases all feel like appropriate ways to honor acomplicated history and ongoing relationship. As an emblem,the Apache symbol should only be used in places of high honor oncampus, the same place you might put the statue of a president or a photographof your grandmother.

“Apaches shouldnot be on clothing.

“Apaches shouldnot be painted as murals on the metal siding on ugly buildings.

Arcadiastudents should not be referred to as Apaches.”

One signer of the aforementioned petition, Rafael Gomez, wrote onchange.org: “I recommend that while we push for this, we equally ask that allinitiatives and programs created that support the White Mountain Apaches bemaintained (the Fall Money Drive, the Ed Schreiner Memorial Toy and JacketDrive, the Spring Money Drive, and the Bikes, Trikes, Scooters, and Skates). Ifthose donations and support cease after changing AHS’ “iconography,”that would reflect that AHS was paying for the use of the image. If AHS doesbelieve in the continuous support of the White Mountain Apaches, then thatprogramming should continue.”

The Apache logo. – Photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News

Longtime former city councilman and Mayor Gary Kovacic piped in onthe debate at the request of Beacon Media News:

“As analumnus of Arcadia High School (Class of 1969) and life-long resident ofArcadia, I am aware of the evolution of the Apache iconography at our highschool and the high school’s relationship with the White Mountain Apache Tribe.In fact, it was my honor as mayor of Arcadia to attend a Tribal Council meetingin Arizona to celebrate our city’s close relationship with the tribe. SuperintendentVannasdall’s statement accurately reflects my understanding of all thathas transpired between the school district and the tribe in the spirit of mutualrespect and admiration. Additional information about that relationshipalso appears in an essay in my first book ‘Visions of Arcadia.’

“Recentevents in our society, however, have called upon all of us to explore how wordsand symbols can either uplift or demean a culture. It would be presumptuous forme, as a non-indigenous person, to speculate what the true impact of our highschool’s use of the Apache name is on the Apache Nation. Along with theongoing dialog in our community, hopefully our school leaders can have an updatedconversation with tribal leaders about the use of the word Apache.

“In hisseminal book ‘Future Shock,’ Alvin Toffler wrote: ‘The illiterate of the21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn,and relearn.’ The issue about the Apache name is a great opportunityfor relearning, community building, and teachable moments. Hopefully, asolution will be found that both honors the many contributions of our nation’sindigenous people and moves our education community forward.”

Not all our correspondents felt the need to change the name. Forexample, Don Rollo from Arcadia said, in part:

I feel that Arcadia HighSchool should NOT change their name from the Apaches just to appease a fewpeople that don’t really understand what the Apache Nation stands for. 

“The Apachesstand for being powerful, brave, fearless — both the father and mothertaught their children to have good manners, kindness, fortitude, and obedience.So being an Apache is being all of those things and if the students ofArcadia High School can strive to be like the proud Apache Nation, this worldcan be a much better place to live…”

Thus far no action has been taken by the school board or administrators. Please continue to let us know your thoughts and opinions on this or any other Arcadia related issue at hand by sending an email to tmiller@beaconmedianews.com.

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