On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) confirmed three new deaths and 128 new cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), including one new case in Arcadia. On Monday, Public Health had confirmed a total of three cases in the city.
One of the individuals who passed was a young person from Lancaster under the age of 18. The two other individuals were between 50-70 years old; one had underlying health conditions and resided in West Adams, the other is from a location that is still under investigation.
As of now, Public Health has identified 662 cases across L.A. County, including 11 deaths. Completed investigations revealed that two cases reported earlier were not L.A. County residents. As of Tuesday, 119 positive cases have been hospitalized.
Public Health is investigating all new cases and will notify close contacts who are household members, intimate partners and healthcare professionals to assess and monitor them for signs and symptoms of illness. All confirmed cases are being isolated and close contacts are quarantined.
“COVID-19 does not discriminate by age, race or income level, and what we are seeing in places like New York is indicative of what we should prepare to experience here. While Public Health is doing everything possible to mitigate the impact of this disease in our community, we can only flatten the curve if EVERYONE takes social distancing seriously and adheres to all isolation and quarantine orders issued by our Health Officer,” warned Los Angeles County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer.
On March, 21 Public Health issued an enhanced Health Officer Order to reconcile elements in the March 19 Health Officer Order necessary to be consistent with the Governor’s Order.