Monrovia Crime Blotters: July 2-8
July 2
At 5:18 p.m., a resident in the 200 block of West Evergreen calledpolice to report a theft. Sometime during the night, someone removed thestorage rack that had been mounted on his truck and stole it. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
July 3
At 6:36 a.m., police received a call reporting a suspicious personinside a parking structure in a 200 block of West Pomona. Officers arrived anddetained the subject. A computer check revealed a no-bail warrant was issuedfor the subject for a parole violation. The subject was arrested for thewarrant and during a search incident to arrest, drug paraphernalia was locatedon his person, which was added to his charges.
At 10:34 a.m., an officer was on patrol in the 700 block of WestHuntington when he saw a vehicle commit a vehicle code violation. The officerconducted a traffic stop and the driver admitted to being in possession of drugparaphernalia. She was arrested for possession of a drug pipe.
At 6:59 p.m., a resident in the 500 block of West Duarte calledpolice to report she saw a male subject walking out of her apartment complexwith her bike. When she yelled at the suspect, he fled. Officers set upcontainment of the area and were assisted by the Foothill Air Support Teamhelicopter. The suspect was subsequently located and arrested.
At 7:41 p.m., officers responded to the north gate of the policedepartment regarding a suspicious package. Surveillance video was reviewed andit showed a female subject place a box at the location. The Los Angeles CountySheriff’s Bomb Squad was called to investigate. They determined the box wassafe and, upon inspection, found it contained three large ice packs.
July 4
At 9:29 a.m., officers were patrolling the 1100 block of Encinowhen they contacted two suspicious subjects in a hotel parking lot. One of thesubjects was registered as a guest at the hotel. Both subjects were found to bein possession of methamphetamine and were arrested.
At 9:36 a.m., a male subject called police to report thebrandishing of a weapon. The subject rents a room from a resident in the 300 blockof Prospect. The renter went to the house to collect a refund after being toldto leave the location that same morning. When he knocked on the door, the ownerof the home answered, knowing the renter was coming to collect money. The ownerwent to get something and said he would be right back. He returned brandishinga handgun and told the renter to get off the property. He also told the renterhe was not going to get his money back. The renter left the area and called thepolice. This investigation is continuing.
At 11:51 a.m., a subject went to visit Canyon Park and left hervehicle parked in the 600 block of North Canyon. When she returned, shediscovered someone had shattered one of the windows to gain entry and tookseveral personal items. This investigation is continuing.
At 12:26 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of West Foothillreported a grand theft. Someone took his tools from his unlocked truck, whichwas parked in front of his home. Surveillance video shows the theft occurred at11:30 a.m., and the suspect vehicle was a green Toyota Tacoma with HappyBirthday written in pink lettering all over the truck. This investigation iscontinuing.
At 1:13 p.m., an employee of a beauty supply store in the 600block of West Huntington reported a male subject had just left the store withelectric hair clippers without paying for the item. Officers searched the areafor the suspect, but were unable to locate him. This investigation iscontinuing.
At 2:48 p.m., a dog bite incident was reported in the 400 block ofSouth Myrtle. The victim is a server at a restaurant. At 1 p.m., she walkedoutside the restaurant where a customer was sitting at a table with their dogand the dog bit her on the leg. The victim went to a nearby hospital formedical care after obtaining the owner’s information. Pasadena Humane wasnotified and will be handling this incident.
July 5
At 11:08 a.m., a caller reported a traffic collision at Myrtle andCalifornia. A motorist was driving south on California and fell asleep,colliding into a parked car. Officers responded and, after investigation,determined the driver was driving under the influence. He was arrested for DUIand held for a sobering period.
July 7
At 9:22 p.m., a caller reported a subject lying on the sidewalk inthe 400 block of West Duarte. Officers responded to check on the subject’swelfare. They located the subject and determined he was too intoxicated to carefor his own safety. He was arrested for public intoxication and held for asobering period.
July 8
At 9:42 a.m., a caller in the 600 block of West Duarte reportedsomeone had stolen his daughter’s 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe sometime during thenight. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. The vehicle was enteredinto the stolen vehicle system. Investigation is continuing.
At 12:14 p.m., a caller reported a vehicle had been parked in the1600 block of South Myrtle for the past eight days. Officers arrived, and theinvestigation revealed the vehicle had been reported stolen out of NorthHollywood. This investigation is continuing.
At 6:34 p.m., officers responded to the 200 block of West Coloradoregarding a stolen vehicle. The caller reported his vehicle had been parked infront of his residence earlier in the day. The vehicle was entered into thestolen vehicle system and later that night, it was recovered by the Los AngelesCounty Sheriff’s Department with the suspect driving. The suspect was arrested.
At 7 p.m., officers responded to a business in the 600 block ofWest Huntington regarding a window smash to a vehicle. The victim had been awayfrom his vehicle a short time. When he returned, he saw the driver-side, rearwindow had been smashed. All doors were still locked and nothing was taken fromthe vehicle. This investigation is continuing.