Mobile voting information unit will be available at City Hall beginning Saturday at 8 a.m.
The Arcadia City Council elections for District 1 and District 4 are still in progress. The Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder is providing a mobile voter unit at Arcadia City Hall on Saturday, April 11, through Election Day, Tuesday, April 14, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Previously, the City of Arcadia had announced that the mobile voter unit would begin service on Friday, April 10, but due to Los Angeles County COVID-19 staffing restrictions that is no longer the case. Service will be provided beginning Saturday.
Contact the Arcadia City Clerk’s Office at (626) 574-5410 or email cityclerk@ArcadiaCA.gov with questions.
The all mail-in ballot election will continue without interruption through Election Day. Here is what voters need to know:
- Beginning on Saturday, April 11, through Election Day, Tuesday, April 14, the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder will have a mobile voter information unit stationed at the Arcadia City Hall parking lot, located at 240 W. Huntington Drive. The mobile voter information unit will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The mobile unit will also provide provisional ballots as needed to voters who do not have a ballot or are registering to vote.
- Ballots were mailed on March 16, 2020. If you did not receive a ballot, contact the Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorders Office at (800) 815-2666, option #2 or visit the above mentioned mobile voting information unit.
- You can mail your completed ballot or drop off your ballot at Arcadia City Hall by using the ballot drop box located near the Arcadia Transit stop in the City Hall parking lot. The ballot drop box is open 24 hours a day through Election Day. On Election Day, the drop box will be closed at 8 p.m.
- The Los Angeles County Registrar/Recorder’s Office is closed to visitors. If you have not received a ballot, contact the County at the number listed above as soon as possible so a new ballot can be mailed to you. You may also visit the mobile voter information unit at Arcadia City Hall beginning Saturday for a new ballot.