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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena Senior Center Adjusts to Covid-19 Crisis

Pasadena Senior Center Adjusts to Covid-19 Crisis

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Pasadena Senior Center COVID-19 response
Seniors may still participate in some activities virtually. – Courtesy photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

With the fitness center closed by emergency order and most classes and other activities canceled due to social distancing restrictions, staff at the Pasadena Senior Center have developed alternatives for members and non-members during the COVID-19 crisis.

“We’re still here for everyone who uses thecenter,” said Executive Director Akila Gibbs. “We’re just doing everythingdifferently under the circumstances.”

Fitness center members are invited to join personaltrainer Peter Matus for 40-minute strength training sessions with free weightson the large patio behind the center Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from10:30 a.m. to noon. Each session will accommodate up to 10 fitness centermembers, with social distancing of six feet apart. Participants may bring theirown sets of two- to five-pound weights for safety considerations if they like. Reservationsare required due to the limited capacity. Call (626) 795-4331 to reserve yourspot. Members who are sick should stay home.

Fee-based spring classes from French languageand computer learning to exercise such as Pilates, yoga and chair aerobics willbe offered online as a virtual option. Members of the Pasadena Senior Center mayvisit www.pasadenaseniorcenter.org and click on “Class Registration” or call (626)795-4331 to register or for more information.

As an alternative to monthly gatherings with MUSE/IQUEguest artists who make interactive presentations about the orchestra’s upcomingconcerts, Artistic Director Rachael Worby and various musicians, artists,dancers and vocalists will host a brief webinar every Wednesday to give membersand non-members of the center an up-close look at the magic behind their craft.Each webinar will be delivered to users’ email addresses. For more informationvisit the Pasadena Senior Center website and click on “Webinar Events.”

The Pasadena Senior Center Book Club, which ordinarilymeets once a month to discuss the same book, is going virtual for the timebeing. The current book is the novel “Mr. Churchill’s Secretary” by Susan EliaMacNeal. For more information visit the website and click on “Virtual Book Club”or call Judy Starlight, the Book Club coordinator, at (626) 685-6760.

Attendance at the popular Friday movie matinees formembers and non-members is now limited to 10 people in the center’s ScottPavilion – a space with a seating capacity of 250 when there’s not a coronaviruscrisis. Each film will be shown at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.:

  • March 27: “Ford v. Ferrari” (2019, PG-13)starring Matt Damon and Christian Bale. American car designer Carroll Shelbyand British-born driver Ken Miles build a revolutionary new race car for FordMotor Company that will take on the dominating race cars of Enzo Ferrari at the1966 24 Hours of Le Mans in France. The film is based on true events.
  • April 3: “A Beautiful Day in theNeighborhood” (2019, PG) starring Tom Hanks and Matthew Rhys. A magazine writerinterviews Mr. Rogers for a feature article and discovers redemption in his ownlife. The film is based on true events.
  • April 10: “Knives Out” (2019, PG-13)starring Daniel Craig and Christopher Plummer. When a renowned crime novelistis discovered dead at his estate, everyone in his dysfunctional family issuspect.
  • April 17: “Bombshell” (2019, R) starringCharlize Theron and John Lithgow. A group of women takes on Fox News head RogerAiles and the toxic work environment he created for them. The film is based ontrue events.

Reservations arerequired due to the limited seating capacity. Call (626) 795-4331 to reserveyour spot.

With most Pasadena Senior Center users stayinghome by state mandate, they are encouraged to sign up for the TelephoneReassurance Program, which offers daily calls from volunteers who providewellness checks and conversation. To be placed on the list, call (626) 685-6732.

The weekday sit-down hot lunch program forpeople 60 and older has been transformed to a pickup service every Tuesday untilthe coronavirus crisis is over. Anyone who is not registered already for thenew system may call (626) 960-2995 and ask for Meals at Home Pasadena to getinstructions on where to pick up five lunches every Tuesday.

Updates on these and other offerings will be posted at pasadenaseniorcenter.org as needed, or call (626) 795-4331.

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