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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Caltech’s Seismo Sue and Her Seismo Sistahs Will Lead Pasadena Doo Dah Parade

Caltech’s Seismo Sue and Her Seismo Sistahs Will Lead Pasadena Doo Dah Parade

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Susan Hough. – Courtesy photo / Doo Dah Parade

Susan Hough, seismologist at the United States Geological Survey in Pasadena, and “Earthquake Response Coordinator” of the office on the Caltech campus is now taking charge with her seismologist sisters as the 2019 Doo Dah Parade Grand Marshals. The parade takes place on Sunday, Nov. 24, in East Pasadena, stepping off at 11 a.m.

Elizabeth Cochran (USGS seismologist), Christine Goulet (USC, engineering seismologist), Voon Hui Lai (Caltech graduate student), Caleste Labedz (Caltech graduate student), Susan Owen (JPL, geophysicist), and Kate Scharer (USGS geologist) join Hough to bring the shake, rattle and roll to Doo Dah. Each of these women has significantly contributed to the advances in the understanding of earthquakes and earthquake preparedness.

Hough remembers attending the Doo Dah parade some years ago. She remembers in particular an entry that catapulted cooked hot dogs from bazookas. This was the BBQ & Hibachi Marching Grill Team, a perennial Doo Dah Parade favorite (and 2005 Grand Marshals) until they retired.

How does Hough regard being Doo Dah Grand Marshal when she opines on the richness and importance of her research and work as a seismologist? “I thought I’d experienced the epitome of my career … until I was asked to be a Pasadena Doo Dah Parade Grand Marshal.”

Tom Coston, of Light Bringer Project, producers of the parade, says “It’s terrific to welcome the Seismo Sue and Her Seismo Sistahs to the Doo Dah Parade this year. It’s a great thing that Caltech and seismology are such a big part of our local culture. They’re not only a brilliant group of women; they know how to have fun! It’s great to celebrate their achievements at Doo Dah!”

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