A number of trees have been identified as being problematic due to their health and condition, as well as the impact they are having on infrastructure in Monrovia. These trees have been assessed for their overall health and condition and for opportunities to minimize their impact on infrastructure (such as root pruning or installing root barriers). The ultimate goal for the city is to preserve as many trees as possible.
However, in situations when the health of the tree is declining and the trees are impacting the infrastructure, a decision has been made to remove them in coordination with ongoing or upcoming Monrovia Renewal construction activity. As a part of the replacement of the sidewalk, the tree wells will be left intact so that new trees can be planted back in their place. The city’s field services team is working to identify suitable replacement trees and will work to replace them when the construction is complete and the planting season is desirable.
Should you have any questions or concerns, contact the Public Works Division at (626) 932-5575 or monroviarenewal@ci.monrovia.ca.us.