By Staff
Arcadia City Council decided to join the Los Angeles Community Choice Energy Authority — later renamed the Clean Power Alliance of Southern California, late last year.
Clean Power Alliance is a Community Choice Aggregation organization currently made up of 31 member jurisdictions in Los Angeles and Ventura Counties that will purchase electricity for sale to their communities. Clean Power Alliance intends to purchase cleaner, more renewable electricity and offer it to their customers at a cost that is less than or competitive with Southern California Edison. Clean Power Alliance also intends to develop energy programs to decrease greenhouse gas emissions to reduce the effects of climate change. This may include providing incentives and rebates.
The Clean Power Alliance will begin phasing in electric service to customers in the City of Arcadia in 2019. Southern California Edison will continue to meter customers’ use of electricity, generate and mail invoices, and maintain the transmission and distribution infrastructure needed to provide electricity to Clean Power Alliance customers.
For more information, visit cleanpoweralliance.org.
If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact Carmen Masud, Senior Management Analyst at (626) 254-2708 or via e-mail at cmasud@ArcadiaCA.org.