The public is invited to join Pasadena Mayor Terry Tornek for the first in a series of informal, local neighborhood conversations that the mayor plans to hold throughout the City.
The theme for the local conversations is “Talkin’ to Terry” (#Talkin2Terry) and the first event will be in the East Pasadena area, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 15, 2015, at the Don Benito Fundamental School Auditorium, 3700 Denair Street.
Some of the topics to be discussed include the Albertson’s Shopping Center, Hamilton Park, the Sierra Madre median and the drought, but Mayor Tornek said he is open to wherever the conversation may go.
Residents can send questions in advance to the City’s Twitter account, @PasadenaGov, Be sure to use the hashtag #Talkin2Terry. Please send questions by 5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 10, 2015. Answers will be tweeted during the event.
“I want our citizens to have a better connection with City government and their local elected officials. I want them to know we’re listening and that their voices are being heard,” Mayor Tornek said.
Future dates and locations will be announced by the Mayor’s Office and posted on the City website at City Manager Michael J. Beck will join the Mayor.