“Pushpa” Nagaraj began her real estate career with Century 21 Earll, Ltd. in April, 2001. From that time onward, she was focused on success. Her prime directive has always been to make her clients’ interests of utmost importance. This has been the cornerstone of her success and has led to multiple Centurion and other awards along with the means to continue to grow as a professional. Continuing her education is also a priority for Pushpa and she has earned, among others, a GRI (Graduate, Realtor Institute) designation, and in 2013, her Real Estate Broker license.
Her husband, Venkat, is a scientist at JPL and they have a son in college and a daughter, a graduate in the sciences, and a real estate agent, currently assisting Pushpa.
Terry Earll, the broker of Century 21 Earll, Ltd., and the entire staff congratulate her for this latest achievement.
The Centurion Award is the highest Century 21 International recognition for annual sales volume given to sales associates.
Pushpa can be reached at (626) 833-5206 or pushparealtor@gmail.com.