There’s no other way to put it—Haim is cool.
Este Haim started the show by patting KROQ DJ Ted Stryker’s butt and said, “I’ve always wanted to give you a little love pat. And I got it. It’s been my Christmas wish since I was maybe 12 years old, since I heard you play ‘Pretty Fly for a White Guy’ on KROQ.” That moment, the audience knew they were in for an afternoon of entertainment.
Haim, which also includes Este’s sisters Danielle and Alana (along with drummer Dash Hutton), spent the next hour proving that they’ve got the talent, sense of humor, and the support necessary to make it in the industry. The win-your-way-in event began with Stryker moderating a Q&A session that proved to be so much more than expected. The girls freaked out after being told that Mark Hoppus, singer and bassist of blink-182, not only knew who they are, but also asked them a question via Twitter. Asking “What’s your favorite blink-182 song” ended with the girls singing three-part harmony to a few bars of “Josie,” which the crowd seemed to love just as much.
After answering a few questions from the audience, the real show began. The band played selections from their debut album “Days Are Gone,” including “Forever,” “Honey & I,” and of course, “The Wire.” All three have vocal chops, and they harmonize and play their respective instruments perfectly. Throughout the show, the audience learned more about the band than any Q&A could produce. The most apparent thing about Haim is their sisterly bond. After referencing “Arrested Development” to each other and pausing between songs to discuss Danielle’s Canadian-beer shirt, the connection that only sisters can have was on full display. And much too soon, after an extended version of “Let Me Go,” the sisters closed their performance with all three pounding it out on their own drums.
The entire event is streaming until midday on Thursday, so watch it on repeat until then.