Professional Production Opens Thursday
This summer the Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center in Monrovia in partnership with The Boone Foundation, will present Meredith Willson’s The Music Man on July 18th and 19th at 8:00 PM and July 20th at 2:00 and 8:00 PM. “I am very excited for opening night! This is something we have been working toward for several years and it’s finally happening!” said Patrick Garcia, Director of Performing Arts for Monrovia Unified School District and the Producing, Artistic Director for this production of The Music Man.
Garcia was quick to point out, “Although the theatre is located on the campus of Monrovia High School, this is the first time we are producing a professional production for the community at the Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center.” Garcia has hired an impressive creative team including co-producer, Lani Pedrini of Theatre of Vision Productions; co-directors, Jeremy Jackson and Dominic Catrambone of Discovery on Stage; Choreographer, Paul David Bryant; Music Director, Brigham Freeth; Conductor, Jeff Markgraf; Stage Manager, Martyn Tyler; and Set Designer, Angelo Collado. “We are delighted to announce that well known Southern California actor, Allen Everman will star as Professor Harold Hill along with a cast of nearly 40 actors, singers, and dancers of all ages. In addition to advertising in BackStage, we also reached out to members of this community including students from our schools and encouraged everyone to audition. We are very pleased with our cast and look forward to delivering an outstanding production, one we know this community will want to support.”
Garcia has his sights on turning Monrovia into an Arts destination with three professional productions produced each year at the Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center. But he also wants to bring professional acting and dance teachers to Monrovia to benefit the community, providing scholarships and opportunities to anyone who is interested. According to Garcia, “I don’t want cost to prohibit someone from taking a class that might change his or her life.” In fact, Garcia and the Mayor of Monrovia, Mary Ann Lutz, a former actor herself have been in conversation with the executive director of the famed Stella Adler acting studio in Hollywood discussing the idea of bringing teachers from Stella Adler to Monrovia to teach classes during the evening at the performing arts center. “We still need to iron out the details but we are moving forward one step at a time.”
According to Garcia, it was the Boone Foundation’s agreement to be the production sponsor that helped to fast track The Music Man. Over the last several years, the Boone Foundation has generously provided funds to support band and strings programs within Monrovia Unified School District as well as dance and drama programs taught by staff from CAL ARTS and California Dance Institute. President of the Boone Foundation, Nick Boone, shared the mission statement of the foundation that was started by his late father, real estate developer, George Boone as one that, “Provides opportunities to encourage young people in Southern California to lead creative and productive lives. “The Boone Foundation believes in excellence and strong leadership and we have put our faith and trust in Patrick Garcia, the Director of Performing Arts for Monrovia Unified School District and the Producing Artistic Director for Music Man. We are excited to be a part of this inaugural production at the Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center,” said Boone.
If you haven’t been inside this glorious theatre since bond money paid for it to be restored, you must see it. This beautiful 1928 space was built by John C. Austin, the same architect who built Los Angeles City Hall, The Shrine Auditorium, and Griffith Park Observatory. “We invite all of you out there to come celebrate the curtain going up on the first professional production for the community at our beautiful, newly renovated, 1,700 seat, state-of-the-art theatre facility”, said Garcia.
The Music Man will be presented for four performances only on July 18th and 19th at 8:00 PM and July 20th at 2:00 and 8:00 PM. General admission tickets are $25.00 for adults and $15.00 for students and children age 12 and younger. Discounts are available for groups of 10 or larger as well as for senior citizens age 65 and above. VIP tickets, center section, rows 2 through 6 are available for $35.00. Rush tickets in the first row are $10.00 and will be sold on a first come first served basis before each performance. The Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center is located at 845 West Colorado Boulevard in Monrovia, California 91016.
To purchase tickets, please call Brown Paper Tickets at 1-800-838-3006, available 24 hours per day, or online at Tickets may also be purchased at the Louise K. Taylor Performing Arts Center beginning one hour before show time.