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PUSD Superintendent Provides More Details of What the Fall May Look Like

All Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) students will begin the new school year in a single distance learning environment on Aug. 17, 2020. PUSD had initially considered offering two online options but will instead offer a single distance learning model for all students.

Featuresof PUSD’s Distance Learning Model

  • Structurethrough daily schedules for students and teachers, with increased liveinteraction that meet AB77 and SB98 universal requirements for Californiaschool districts.
  • Standards-basedcurriculum that is UC A-G and NCAA approved.
  • CombinesPUSD core curriculum adoptions with a pre-built online resource, along with modelunits developed by specialists and PUSD teachers.
  • Contentdeveloped and designed in alignment with best practices for online instruction.
  • Canvas,a new unified learning management system with parent account tools. Thisreplaces Powerschool Learning, which was used last spring. 
  • WebEx,a new video conferencing tool with more robust video conferencing tools for alive classroom environment that includes smaller breakout group learning. Thisreplaces Google Meets. 
  • Moredetails are included in the table below. 

How PUSD Will Determine When It’s Safe to Return to In-Person Instruction

Later in the fall semester, parents will be asked to indicate whether they want their student(s) to stay with the online-only model or participate in the hybrid model once it is deemed safe to offer in-person instruction.

Althoughthings change rapidly, the district tentatively anticipates that the earliest itcan transition to a hybrid model is at the start of the second quarter, whichbegins on Oct. 19. However, Superintendent Brian McDonald warns that PUSD familiesshould be prepared to stay in distance learning through the end of the fallsemester unless conditions change.

PUSD’splan is designed to allow for a smooth transition from one instructional modelto another. A waiver application process is being designed by the PasadenaPublic Health Department (PPHD) and the Los Angeles County Department of PublicHealth to allow schools to transition from distance learning to in-personlearning models. If health and safety conditions change during in-personlearning, a cohort, classroom, school, or district may have to return todistance learning. Movement between PUSD instructional models isdetermined through consultation with PPHD and subject to agreements with labor groups. 

What is the Hybrid Model?

A hybrid model is a structure of learning wherein students attend school with a combination of in-person and distance learning environments.

  • In-personlearning environment: learning that occurs in the classroom on campus.
  • Distancelearning environment: learning that occurs from a remote location not oncampus. 

WhatDoes the Hybrid Model Include?

  • Standards-basedcurriculum that is UC A-G and NCAA approved.
  • CombinesPUSD core adoptions with a pre-built online resource, along with and modelunits developed by specialists and PUSD teachers.
  • Supportsfor English language learners and students receiving GATE and/or specialeducation services.
  • Instructiondelivered by PUSD teachers following a cohort schedule.
  • Abilityto participate in learning on-campus in smaller student cohorts.
  • Directlysupports special programs such as DLIP, AP, IB, Magnet, etc.
  • TK-12thgrade.

What is the Online Model?

PUSD’s 2020-21 structure of learning wherein students attend school in an entirely online environment while remaining enrolled at their current school. The Online Model is intended as a continuation of distance learning for a longer term or full school year.

PUSDwill work with students and families to ensure equity and access to qualityinstruction. Accommodations for students with disabilities, students withdiverse learning needs, students who are medically vulnerable, and EnglishLanguage Learners will be made as needed.

Whatdoes the Online Model include?

  • Standards-basedcurriculum that is UC A-G & NCAA approved.
  • CombinesPUSD core adoptions with a pre-built online resource, along with and modelunits developed by specialists and PUSD teachers.
  • Supportsfor English Language Learners and students receiving GATE and/or SpecialEducation services.
  • Dailylive instruction delivered virtually by PUSD teachers.
  • Continuationof distance learning for a longer term or full school year.
  • Supportsare in development for special programs such as DLIP, AP, IB, Magnet,etc. 
  • K-12(No TK).

PUSDwill work with students and families to ensure equity and access to qualityinstruction. Accommodations for students with disabilities, students withdiverse learning needs, students who are medically vulnerable, and English languagelearners will be made as needed.

Selecting Hybrid or Online

Later in the fall semester, a notification will be sent to parents from the school in which the student is enrolled. The district wants those who opt-in for the online model to commit for the entire year. Children who return to the hybrid model may switch to the online learning model at any time should they (or another member of your family) develop symptoms, need to quarantine, or become ill — whether that is a result of COVID-19 or another illness. 


PUSD’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) program is currently operating and will also offer Emergency Child Care for essential workers and at-risk families. Beginning Aug. 17, PasadenaLEARNs After School Program will offer a three-hour online program Monday-Friday beginning at dismissal from the online school day. PUSD is working with community partners to offer options for in-person childcare and will provide more details as they become available. 

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