By Terry Miller
Scores of students, parents, volunteers , school board members and area politicians including Anthony Portantino and PUSD Superintendent Jon Gundry joined forces Saturday morning for a clean up and planting at Madison Elementary in Pasadena in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.
“A Day On, Not Off” – the theme for a major planting at beautification at Madison Elementary School Saturday, to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is part of a nationwide effort to educate and inspire young students.
President Jackie Jacobs, a former Pasadena Board of Education member said “A Day On, Not Off” is the brain-child of the Atlanta Martin Luther King Center for Social Change, and similar events happen all over the US during the MLK weekend. The community coaltion has been volunteering with similar projects for over a decade.
On Monday Governor Brown issued the following proclamation:
“I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word in reality. This is why right, temporarily defeated, is stronger than evil triumphant.” – Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. accepting the Nobel Peace Prize, 1964
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream, a dream we can still see vividly when we revisit the most famous of his many timeless speeches. His vision of a world free of hatred and injustice has changed the face of American society and continues to inspire people around the world. What gave Dr. King’s dream such force was his steadfast commitment to confront his enemies without violence and to love those who hated him, knowing that hatred only begets hatred, and violence always fans the flames of injustice.
On this 82nd anniversary of his birth, let us reflect on his words and vision, and consider what each of us can do today to help keep his dream alive. Many opportunities to serve our communities can be found at
The Pasadena Martin Luther King Community Coalition has staged the annual volunteer effort at different public schools since 2001 and will continue to speard the words of Dr. King in the Pasadena area for many years to come.
-PUSD Superintendent Gundry speaks with School Board member Ed Honowitz at the Madison Elementary School Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations on Saturday. -Photos by Terry Miller