The Pico Rivera City Council announced Wednesday it has tentatively approved an ordinance designed to crack down on illegal street takeovers by authorizing the impounding and possible forfeiture of vehicles involved in takeovers and making it a misdemeanor to participate or even be a spectator at such gatherings.
“This proposed ordinance and enforcement options will provide the city with additional tools to address the issue of illegal street takeovers, deter such activities, and ensure that the roadways in Pico Rivera remain safe for everyone,” Councilman John Garcia said in a statement. “By taking action, we are sending a strong message that illegal street takeovers will not be tolerated in Pico Rivera and that the safety and well-being of its residents and visitors are paramount to the City Council.”
The council gave tentative approval to the ordinance Tuesday. The ordinance will return for a final vote at a future meeting, the date of which has not yet been determined.
Under the ordinance, anyone present at a location where an illegal street race or street takeover is occurring or even being planned will be guilty of a misdemeanor subject to fines of up to $2,000 and other possible penalties, according to the city.
Any motor vehicle involved in a street takeover “will be considered a nuisance and will be seized and subject to forfeiture,” city officials said.
“Upon seizure, the city manager or their Public Safety designee will investigate any potential claimants to the vehicle and send a seizure notice to the legal owner within 10 days of seizure,” according to a statement from the city. “This notice will allow the legal owner to request a post-seizure hearing with a third-party administrator to determine the validity of the seizure.”
Vehicles that are ultimately forfeited will be sold by the city at a public auction.
“With the passage of this ordinance, the City Council is sending a strong message that if you engage in street racing or street takeovers, you will forfeit your car to the city of Pico Rivera,” Councilwoman Monica Sanchez said in a statement. “We strongly urge that you cease this illegal activity in our city and any other municipal jurisdiction.”