Metro’s 23 dockless bike share stations in North Hollywood will temporarily close for six to eight weeks starting Monday as the agency transitions them into 12 stations with docks.
Metro found that docked stations, which it calls a Classic Bike System, have higher ridership and are simpler to use. The dockless “Smart Bike” system was not popular with North Hollywood riders, according to Metro.
The classic bikes at the 12 transitioned stations will operate solely on foot pedaling, but Metro said it will continue to offer a limited number of electric bikes in its North Hollywood fleet.
Once transitioned to the Classic Bike System, the stations’ bikes will be available for short local trips and will be compatible with Metro Bike Share stations all over Los Angeles County.
Metro urged North Hollywood bike-share users to make other arrangements until March, when the fleet replacement is expected to be complete.
People can learn more about Metro’s Bike Share Program at