The public is invited to the first in a series of Fire Station Open House events planned by the Pasadena Fire Department that will first start at Fire Station 33, 515 N. Lake Ave., 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015. Free parking will be available at the Lake Avenue Church, off Villa Street.
Fire Chief Bertral Washington said the Station 33 Open House will kick-off a series of similar events showcasing all eight fire stations. Other open house events will be announced in the near future. Fire apparatus displays, station tours and live demonstrations will be highlighted along with the opportunity to meet the men and women of the Pasadena Fire Department.
Each open house will highlight a different theme related to Pasadena and its fire department, Chief Washington said. “Disaster Preparedness” is the theme for the Aug. 22 event, during which the Department will announce details of the city’s new “Disaster Information Sites” program for the public. Other city departments and community partners will be at the Aug. 22 open house to highlight additional disaster preparedness-related programs and services.
The city is designating Disaster Information Sites to be located outside each Pasadena Fire Station to distribute emergency public information when other traditional means of communication become unreliable after a major disaster or emergency.
Currently, Stations 33, 34 and 38 are equipped as Disaster Information Sites and other stations will be ready later this year. The sites will also help provide a way for neighborhoods to relay local information to the city’s Emergency Operations Center when it is activated.