National LWV president looks at next 100 years

In anticipation of the 100th anniversary of women getting the vote, the League of Women Voters (LWV) Pasadena area will be looking ahead to the next century of making democracy work with a celebration in April.
Conversation and Cocktails with Chris Carson, US League president, will be April 11, 6-9 p.m. at Brookside at the Rose Bowl, 1133 Rosemount Blvd. Admission is $75.
Incoming LWVPA President Pat Coulter and the US League president will have an armchair conversation about the national goals for the next 100 years, including diversity, equity and inclusion. Education, advocacy and Equal Rights Amendment also are on the agenda.
The #MeToo movement has helped put the ERA back on the table. Illinois became the 37th state to ratify the ERA in May 2018 — one state short of ratification. This after 16 years of Congress’ ratification in 1972.
LWV was founded six months prior to the ratification of the 19th amendment, with the Pasadena League following 16 years later in 1936. The 19th president of the national League, Carson over the past 30 years served in every leadership role in her local Glendale-Burbank League. She also played various roles in the LA County, California and US League.
The reservation deadline is April 1. Information and reservations online or calling (626) 798-0965.