‘Make PUSD Your First Choice’ presentation is Jan. 10 at 6 p.m.
Pasadena Unified School District’s (PUSD) annual Open Enrollment-School Choice for the 2018-2019 academic year begins Jan. 11. Online applications will be accepted through Feb. 2 at openenrollment.info.
“The schools of Pasadena Unified ignite students’ curiosity in the sciences, arts, and global languages,” said Superintendent Brian McDonald. “Located in Southern California’s center of science, exploration, and the arts, Pasadena Unified schools offer out-of-this world learning experiences for children in grades TK-12. We invite families to explore our campuses and programs.”
PUSD’s Open Enrollment-School Choice offers families an opportunity to apply to themed, magnet, or specialized schools and programs outside the boundaries of their school of residence. Families can apply for PUSD’s Dual Language Immersion Programs in French, Mandarin or Spanish; Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM); International Baccalaureate; visual and performing arts; high school college and career academies, and much more.
Open Enrollment-School Choice selection is by random lottery, with notifications of the first lottery issued on Feb. 26. Registration for students selected in the first lottery takes place in early March. Online applications for a second lottery, which includes Applications of Interest from out-of-district families, are accepted April 2 – 6. For a calendar of dates and more information, visit openenrollment.info.
Families are invited to attend PUSD Should Be Your First Choice!, a presentation on the schools and programs of PUSD on Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2018 at 6 p.m. in the board room of PUSD’s Education Center, located at 351 S. Hudson Ave., Pasadena. PUSD Superintendent Brian McDonald will spotlight the innovative programs, rigorous academics, and world-class partnerships that are preparing students to be the leaders of tomorrow followed by a segment on how to apply for the District’s 2018-19 school choice lotteries.