The City of Monrovia has been awarded with a $675,000 grant through the California Department of Parks and Recreation (Department) 2019 Statewide Park Development and Community Revitalization Program to expand and improve Lucinda Garcia Park.
Funded by Proposition 68, the State Park Bond Program, Monrovia is one of 52 agencies to receive the grant. More notably, the Department received 478 applications, totaling $2.3 billion in requests with only $254.9 million available for distribution.
“Having beautiful and accessible neighborhood parks enhances the community and makes life better,” said Mayor Tom Adams. “Over the years, Lucinda Garcia Park has been well-loved and as a result is experiencing normal wear and tear, and we are excited about the opportunity to enhance our neighborhood park by turning it back into a premier amenity for all to enjoy.”
When applying for the grant, the city held several community outreach events, in the neighborhood surrounding Lucinda Garcia Park, to discuss proposed upgrades to the facility. The funds will go towards achieving the following goals:
- Expanding the park to the open space area located at the west end of the facility.
- Replacing and upgrading the play equipment.
- Adding all fall safety surfacing at the playground area.
- Installing exercise circuit equipment along the pathway at the park.
- Repairing the pathway.
- Upgrading the landscaping at the park.
- Installing interpretive signage on the history of Lucinda Garcia and the park.
- Installing a demonstration garden with drought tolerant and native species.
Located at 502 W. Olive Ave., Monrovia, Lucinda Garcia Park is a modest park that currently offers picnic tables, barbecues, drinking fountains, a walking trail loop around the park and playground equipment.