According to the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, there are 62 people in Monrovia experiencing homelessness. That is lower than the 2018 count of 70 but still higher than the 2017 low of 40 individuals.
All individuals counted were unsheltered. The majority, 17, are living in makeshift shelters. Of the other individuals counted 15 are living on the street, 14 are living in RVs/campers, seven are in cars, six are living in tents, and three are living in vans.
Across the San Gabriel Valley homelessness increased this year, the report showed. The 2019 count showed that there are 4,479 people experiencing homelessness in the San Gabriel Valley; these numbers exclude Pasadena and Long Beach which conduct their own counts. That is a 24% increase from 2018.

Looking at the count in the San Gabriel Valley by subpopulation, a majority have experienced domestic/intimate partner violence closely followed by serious mental illness, chronic homelessness and chronic illness.