
Monrovia Renewal Construction Work in Southwest and Southeast Project Sections Well Underway

Juan Tejeda works with fresh asphalt over new pipes that have been installed under the roadway. Ramona is the contractor for this phase. - Photo by Terry Miller
Juan Tejeda works with fresh asphalt over new pipes that have been installed under the roadway. Ramona is the contractor for this phase. – Photo by Terry Miller


Project On-Time and On-Budget

Over the past several weeks, the Monrovia Renewal project has been advancing and the city has made significant progress in constructing the improvements identified in the southwest and southeast sections of town (which includes the areas bordered to the north by Colorado Boulevard, to the south by the 210 Freeway, and east and west to the city boundaries).

To date, the city council has awarded construction contracts for all the work identified in the southwest and southeast sections of the Monrovia Renewal project, which total more than $9.5 million in improvements. And significantly, the city is happy to share that the current phase of the overall project is currently projected to be completed on time and on budget!

An overview of the progress we have made to date includes the following overview:

– Sewer improvements are substantially complete.

– Sewer segment improvements on Shamrock Avenue and Monterey Avenue have been completed. This past week, the project contractor completed the necessary paving to repair the roadways. The project is expected to be complete by next week.

– Water line improvements project is underway.

– The city’s contractor has begun replacing old and damaged water lines on Primrose Avenue, from Huntington Drive to Central Avenue. Work on Primrose Avenue is expected to be complete around Oct. 1 and, at that point in time, contractors will transition their work to Cypress Avenue, from Shamrock Avenue to Sherman Avenue. The streets will be closed to through traffic during the construction work, however, residents will be allowed access at all times. In addition, street parking will be restricted between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m., where construction is being performed. The city asks that everyone please abide by the “No Parking” signs, which will be posted 48 hours in advance of when the construction work will occur. Additionally, all impacted streets will be re-opened for traffic at the end of each work day.

– Water service lines replacement project: the city’s contractor continues to make excellent progress on water service line replacements throughout the southwest and southeast project areas. This initiative includes the replacement of more than 100 galvanized steel water service lines with new copper water pipes. It is anticipated that this portion of the project will be completed by Oct. 10.

– Sidewalk repairs by precision concrete cutting: precision concrete cutting continues to repair sidewalks by removing trip hazards and replace chipped sidewalk areas. The contractor started work in the southwest segment of the Monrovia Renewal project and they are working their way east. When they are complete with the two initial sections, they will have made over 7,000 sidewalk repairs! This work is expected to take approximately six months and will conclude in February 2017.

– Street improvements project set to begin on Oct. 10: the construction work that will be most impactful for residents is related to the street improvements that will occur in the southwest and southeast project areas. This past week, city personnel met with the street contractor to coordinate the scheduling and execution of the planned work, which is scheduled to begin the week of Oct. 10.

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