This is an exciting week for those of us who literally live in Old Town: it is National Small Business Week; there are Cinco de Mayo events at all of the local eateries, including live music and traditional dancers at Rudy’s Mexican Food; our crazy music guys, The Lance and Gary Show, are drawing crowds on Wednesday and Saturday nights – and, wait for it –The Myrtle Tree Café is opening on Saturday (and best of all, Mandy and Pinky will be back!)
Speaking of the crazy music guys, Lance has been making short video clips to run during their coffee breaks on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and I am loving it! We sound like Downtown Disney with the welcoming announcements: “Welcome to Old Town Monrovia,” etc., etc. The clip they posted on YouTube from last Saturday, April 30, was really fun: check it out at https//youtu.be/4P3eMv19RMQ. The music is growing in popularity and the guys now have their own set of groupies. Old Town may be “historic,” but we are definitely not history!
Now let us talk about Mother’s Day. In my world, anyone and everyone who nurtures, protects, teaches, and otherwise adds to the life of another human being (or animal) should be celebrated on Mother’s Day. In fact, just as I was beginning to type this paragraph, I received a text from my nephew saying, “I left a Mother’s Day gift for you at the shop: thank you for being my mom.” That is sweet. So, from a mom who is a traditional mom, an adoptive mom, and a surrogate mom to several (I have lost count), here is a little advice: do not forget your “mom-person” this Sunday, May 8. It is your chance to make someone very happy.
Here is a weighty subject: to weigh or not to weigh … that is apparently the question of the day if you believe Facebook. We are talking food here. Is it fair to charge by “weight” when you purchase food at a salad bar? It is, if you build the salad – same as produce or meat at the market. You pick what you want and you pay the posted price per pound. The more you buy, the more you pay: that is why I personally love the new pricing policy at Salad Bistro. I am just glad no one in town has revived the “weigh in, then weight on the way out” rule that a smorgasbord in Pasadena had years ago. Seriously – there was a sign at their register that gave the choice of paying a set, slightly high price, or choosing to literally “weigh in” on entry, then “weigh out” before paying. Wonder how that would play out on Facebook!
Here is the latest around town: the process of selecting a long-term Street Fair operator is moving along, with a decision to be made at the end of May; filming activity has picked up this year and we have another location scout in town looking for locations for a commercial which may come our way next week; Bottega by Bella Sera finally got their gas line installed and is looking at a June opening date; as of April 19, the city says there is construction activity going on at Frost My Cake (the old Monrovia Bakery building), so I have renewed hope; Julie from The Saltner is in the process of wine tasting in preparation for their soft opening later this month; MOTAB (Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board) applications are in, and selection of our new advisory board members (three this round) will begin with interviews in the near future – and, our beloved Kerri Zessau, a 25-year employee of the City of Monrovia, has returned to work after some time off, and is now working in the Community Development Department (yippee, Kerri!). Just one more thing: The Peach Café is preparing to make an announcement that will make all of us “Peachies” very happy, and if I print it now I will be in big trouble. So we wait until next week …
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