
Noxious landfill in Castaic stops operating

Leachate collects on the ground near a previously leaking well after repairs to its gasket seal on Jan. 18, 2024. | Photo courtesy of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The Chiquita Canyon Landfill ceased waste disposal operations Wednesday, following years of nearby residents’ complaints of health problems resulting from foul odors and pollution emanating from the 639-acre site in north Los Angeles County.

The county filed a federal lawsuit against Chiquita Canyon LLC in December over the continued noxious emissions. In October, a group of area residents also sued, alleging the company failed to properly manage gas capture, control systems and leachate systems. Leachate is polluted liquid that results when rainwater filters through piles of solid waste.

Surrounding communities were exposed to the emission of harmfully elevated levels of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and volatile organic gases, creating unsafe living conditions for thousands of people, the residents’ suit alleges.

In 2023 alone, landfill neighbors filed 13,000 odor complaints, according to the October suit’s court filing. Residents have reported headaches, nausea, respiratory issues and the inability to enjoy use of their properties due to the offensive smells, plaintiffs contend.

According to landfill officials, odors from the facility are from “an abnormal biotic or abiotic process, also known as a landfill reaction, taking place deep within a lined but older and inactive portion of the landfill waste mess.”

Liquids collect on a scrim tarp and gas pillows at Chiquita Canyon Landfill on Jan. 18, 2024. | Photo courtesy of the U.S. EPA

The landfill’s operators announced plans to halt operations in an email sent to area residents that said the facility was “no longer economically viable,” according to the email obtained by the Santa Clarita Valley Signal.

“Chiquita had wished to maintain its crucial role in the community’s solid waste-management system, but has made the difficult decision to close its active waste disposal operations,” Steve Cassulo, Chiquita Canyon LLC district manager, wrote in the email.

“Although Chiquita has available airspace, due to the current regulatory environment, maintaining ongoing operations at Chiquita is no longer economically viable. Chiquita remains committed to working with federal, state, regional and local authorities to protect public health and to continue addressing the (elevated temperature landfill event), and will also continue working to maintain compliance with its permits, governing orders and agreements,” Cassulo wrote.

A statement on the company’s website announcing the closure said the landfill will no longer accept waste effective Jan. 1 and Chiquita Canyon LLC “will continue to manage the landfill, including addressing the elevated temperature landfill event that is affecting the northwest corner of the landfill, as well as closure and post-closure activities. While active waste disposal operations will close, we remain committed to working with federal, state and local regulators on the ongoing reaction mitigation efforts.”

In a statement Tuesday, LA County Board of Supervisors Chair Kathryn Barger said the company “will continue to manage the landfill, address the noxious odor incident occurring onsite and oversee closure and post-closure activities.”

Barger, whose 5th District includes the landfill in Castaic, said “the closure of the landfill was expected so I’ve been monitoring this development closely. This is a significant change for our community and brings a responsibility to carefully assess its impacts on residents, businesses, and our regional waste management system.”

Barger said she will introduce a motion at the next board meeting directing the Public Works Department “to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the closure’s implications. This review will examine its effect on waste disposal operations, environmental considerations, and community health. I’m committed to ensuring that this transition doesn’t lead to any form of price gouging or unfair practices in waste management services. Protections must be in place to prevent increased financial burdens on our residents and businesses.”

Public Works Director Mark Pestrella said in a statement, “As the agency responsible for regional waste planning in Los Angeles County, we will ensure there are no disruptions to trash collection services in our unincorporated communities and will work closely with the City of Santa Clarita to help prevent any disruptions to their services as well. The health and safety of our residents remains our top priority.”

Barger added that her “top priority … continues to be bringing relief to the community that continues being afflicted by the landfill’s noxious odors. The landfill’s closure will not stop their suffering since the incident is occurring in a closed, inactive portion. The lawsuit Los Angeles County has filed against Chiquita Canyon Landfill’s owners and operators, pursuing relief for impacted communities, seeks to right that wrong.”

Regulatory agencies have been monitoring the landfill’s operational issues and evaluating potential hazards that may arise following the closure.

“These include changes in waste hauling operations for those who utilized Chiquita Canyon Landfill, as well as longer hauling distances to alternate disposal sites,” according to Barger’s office. Public Works has been preparing and coordinating with affected waste haulers and regional landfill operators to ensure service consistency for residents in unincorporated county communities.

The residents group Citizens for the Chiquita Canyon Landfill Closure expressed “surprise and relief” at the closure but said it was just an “initial positive step” requiring continued vigilance of the landfill’s owner and ongoing maintenance operations.

The group also called for the Board of Supervisors to declare a state of emergency “so that the hundreds who are still suffering and critically ill can get the help they need.”

According to the county, the underground reaction in a closed area of the landfill’s northwest corner has severely affected surrounding neighborhoods such as Val Verde, Halsey Hills, Hasley Canyon and other areas of Castaic.

Residents have reported daily exposure to foul odors and symptoms such as migraine headaches, nausea, bloody noses, breathing problems and cardiac issues. The county alleges the frequent foul smells have forced area families to stay inside, run air conditioning and heat all throughout the day and left them unable to enjoy outdoor activities or use their yards — further impacting mental health and well-being, especially for children.

County officials have also been assessing resident claims that landfill pollution has led to a cluster of cancer cases in the area, according to the lawsuit.

Dark-colored leachate fills a drainage channel near Chiquita Canyon Landfill on Nov. 8, 2023. | Photo courtesy of the U.S. EPA

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