Roadwork is underway in Burbank Friday, which will impact traffic in the city.
Work will occur during daytime hours unless otherwise noted. The schedule is weather-permitting and subject to change.
- Northbound I-5 On-Ramp at San Fernando Boulevard/Empire Avenue: Crews are completing ramp-widening enhancements and bike lane improvements, planting landscaping and other work. Some work occurs at night.
- Burbank Boulevard: Crews are completing safety enhancements on eastbound Burbank Boulevard at the Southbound I-5 on-ramp and Front Street. Some work occurs at night.
- Victory Place at Old Empire Avenue: Crews are constructing sidewalk pavement and other work. Some work occurs at night.
- Various Locations: A roadway-striping operation at various locations will require intermittent closures of some lanes, ramps or street lanes at night.
- Northbound and southbound I-5 Lane closures.
- Intermittent northbound and southbound I-5 lane closures may occur between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., at times reducing I-5 to one or two lanes in either direction.
- Northbound and southbound I-5 ramp closures.
- Some I-5 off-ramps and on-ramps may be closed during the day or at night. Detours are provided when ramps are closed.
- Street lane closures.
- Intermittent street lane closures may occur during the day or at night on Burbank Boulevard, San Fernando Boulevard, Front Street, Victory Place, Empire Avenue, Old Empire Avenue, Buena Vista Street and other streets.