Citing a decrease in graffiti on the Sixth Street Bridge over the last two months, the Los Angeles City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee recommended Monday a decrease in proposed funding for graffiti removal for the rest of the year from $353,000 to $129,000.
Crews have spent an average of 14.5 hours a day in August removing graffiti from the bridge, down from an average of 23 hours a day in July, city staff said at a meeting on Monday.
The bridge opened July 10 to much fanfare, which was soon overshadowed by those who came to perform street takeovers, spinouts and other activities blocking traffic, which resulted in several closures.
However, officials have indicated in recent weeks that such activity on the bridge has decreased as more time has passed since it opened.
Last week, the City Council asked the city attorney to prepare an ordinance prohibiting people from conducting street takeovers, defacing the bridge and accessing areas outside its fencing.
While the committee approved the funding unanimously on Monday, Council members expressed concern over a disproportionate amount of funds going to a single bridge, with graffiti being a citywide issue.
“We want to obviously maintain this shiny new penny, but not at the expense of affecting service in (other districts),” Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez said.
“I want to make sure that we’re being mindful and attentive to the needs of every other part of the city, not just this one particular area.”
Councilman Paul Krekorian, the committee chair, signaled an openness to discuss alternative measures of funding to maintain the bridge, stressing the recommended funds were only a short-term solution.