City of Arcadia Receives Grant to Prevent Homelessness
As manyresidents struggle to pay bills and remain housed, the City of Arcadia receiveda grant for homeless prevention and diversion.
The City of Arcadiais partnering with Union Station Homeless Services to “initiate and facilitateproblem solving conversations with clients in order to identify actions neededto either ensure they remain in housing or move them quickly into housing,”according to a press release from the city. Union Station will determine the client’seligibility for the program. This program is targeted towards individualsat-risk of becoming homeless or those who are recently homeless.
The city says potentialoutcomes based on “problem solving conversations” would include resolvingconflicts with roommates, providing short-term rental assistance to preventeviction, and helping a client reunite with family members. This grant can alsopay for electric and other bills, credit checks, housing application fees, and thelike in order to prevent homelessness. Resources include:
- Shortterm rental assistance.
- Payinghousing application fees.
- Payingsecurity deposits.
- Payingutility bills.
- Movingcosts.
- Food assistance.
- Transportationand more.
This program is only available for Arcadia residents. For more information, contact Erik Deurmeier at Union Station Homeless Services at (626) 734-3971, or Sara Somogyi, at the City of Arcadia at (626) 821-4369 or