Monrovia Crime Blotters: Nov. 12-18
At12:35 p.m., a caller reported that a motorist struck a bicyclist at theintersection of Mayflower and Evergreen. Officers arrived and found no one wasinjured. Both parties exchanged information.
At2:12 p.m., officers were on patrol in the 200 block of East Huntington whenthey observed a motorist commit several driving violations. A traffic stop was conducted,and the driver was contacted. The driver was found to be in possession of 50pounds of a controlled substance. The driver was arrested.
At6:45 a.m., a caller reported his vehicle was stolen during his work shift at abusiness in the 1600 block of S. Mountain. Officers arrived and conducted aninvestigation. Video surveillance was requested from the business and thevehicle was entered into the law enforcement stolen vehicle system. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At4:20 p.m., an automotive business in the 500 block of West Huntington calledpolice to report a theft. A male subject dropped off his vehicle for a brakeservice. After the job was completed, the subject returned and left thebusiness with his vehicle without paying for the service. This investigation iscontinuing.
At1:48 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 800 block of South Mayflower.The victim parked her vehicle with her dog inside and stepped away for a momentwith the keys still inside. The victim heard her vehicle start up and leave thearea. She called police and officers responded and conducted an area check. Ashort time later, officers located the stolen vehicle parked on Chestnut atFifth with the dog still inside. This investigation is continuing.
At2:41 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of North Canyon walked outside her homeand discovered someone had stolen the catalytic converter off her Toyota Prius.This investigation is continuing.
At3:30 p.m., a resident in the 800 block of West Walnut call police to reportthat someone took his BMX bicycle. The bicycle had one of its wheels locked,but this did not prevent it from being stolen. This investigation iscontinuing.
At4:33 p.m., an elderly woman was walking in the 1200 block of South Magnoliaholding two cellphones. She was playing a game on one and was texting herfriends on the other. A male subject approached her from behind and grabbedboth her cellphones. The woman gripped them tight in her hands and a briefstruggle ensued, but the suspect ultimately took the phones. He ran north onMagnolia to Cypress, where a vehicle was waiting. The suspect entered thevehicle and fled the area. The suspect is described as a male subject in his20s, wearing a mask and hoodie over his head. Investigation continuing.
At7:13 a.m., a resident in the 400 block of East Maple walked outside his homeand discovered his work vehicle had been stolen sometime during the night. Anofficer responded to investigate. After the vehicle was entered into the lawenforcement stolen vehicle system, it was located shortly after abandoned in ElMonte. The vehicle was returned to the registered owner. This investigation iscontinuing.
At8:57 a.m., officers responded to the 1600 block of South Mountain regarding areport of drunk driver. Officers checked the area and located a vehiclematching the description driving through a parking lot. They contacted thedriver, who displayed signs and symptoms of being under the influence. A DUIinvestigation was conducted and the driver was arrested and held for a soberingperiod. He was later released on a citation to appear in court on the charges.
At3:19 p.m., officers were on patrol near the intersection of Shamrock andHuntington when they observed a vehicle commit a traffic violation. A trafficstop was conducted and an investigation revealed one of the occupants had awarrant for his arrest regarding an assault case within the city. He wasarrested and taken into custody.
At4:02 p.m., officers responded to the 500 block of East Greystone regarding asuspect causing a disturbance at his grandparent’s home. Officers located thesuspect, who was advised of a no-trespassing order that had been filed againsthim for that location. The suspect was also wanted for another case. He wasarrested and taken into custody.
At5:34 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 300 block of East Palmregarding a family disturbance. The suspect punched his sister in the face andfled the scene. Officers arrived and located the suspect nearby, but he fled onfoot. After a short chase, the suspect was apprehended and taken into custody.He was arrested for battery and resisting arrest.
At8:27 a.m., security at a hardware store in the 1600 block of S. Mountain saw asubject opening packages and concealing items on his person. Security tried tostop the subject, but he fled on foot. Officers responded and were told thesubject was hiding in the bushes near the Metro tracks. Officers located thesubject and arrested him for shoplifting.
At10:33 a.m., a victim of grand theft auto was driving through the 400 block of WestDuarte and saw his vehicle. The victim called the police and watched thesuspect walk away from the vehicle. Officers arrived and detained the suspect.He was arrested for driving a stolen vehicle.
At12:53 a.m., a hit and run traffic collision was reported near the intersectionof Huntington and Monterey. One of the vehicles failed to yield to oncomingtraffic and fled the scene after the collision occurred. Officers arrived andchecked the area, but the vehicle was not located. The driver of the vehiclethat remained at the scene complained of pain and was treated by paramedics.This investigation is continuing.
At8:39 a.m., a travel trailer was reported stolen from the 200 block of Kruse.The victim returned to work and discovered his travel trailer her keeps parkedin front of his business was missing. Officers arrived and conducted aninvestigation. Video surveillance revealed that a white SUV pulled up to thetrailer at 3:20 a.m. that morning and hooked up to it, then fled the scene withthe trailer in tow. This investigation is continuing.