Arcadia Crime Blotters: Nov. 1-7
At2:08 a.m., an officer responded Arcadia High School, located at 180 CampusDrive, regarding a vandalism report. The officer discovered unknown suspect(s)threw eggs at an Arcadia High School trailer. The investigation is pending areview of the surveillance footage.
At2:57 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the400 block of California Street regarding an attempted burglary report. Thesuspect slid under a partially opened garage door when he encountered the ownerand quickly fled in an unknown direction. Surveillance footage captured thesuspect. He is described as a white male with a thin build, shirtless andwearing dark colored shorts. The investigation is ongoing.
At6:26 a.m., an officer responded to the Springhill Suites, located at 99 N.Second Ave., regarding three vehicle burglary reports. An investigationrevealed three vehicles were broken into by the windows being smashed sometimebetween 11:30 p.m. and 5:45 a.m. Wallets and purses were among the itemsstolen. There is no suspect information at this time.
At2:18 p.m., an officer responded to the 1100 block of West Huntington Driveregarding a mail theft report. A witness saw the suspect open a communitymailbox and steal mail before fleeing on a bicycle. The suspect was locatednearby and the 44-year-old male from Woodland, California was arrested andtransported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At11:20 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 2300 block of SouthSanta Anita Avenue regarding a trespassing report. An investigation revealedthree males were found on the homeowner’s property without his permission. A46-year-old male from Arcadia, a 44-year-old male from Arcadia, and a37-year-old male from Arcadia were arrested and transported to the Arcadia CityJail for booking.
At12:03 p.m., officers responded to Elite Prep Arcadia, located at 1135 W.Huntington Drive, regarding a commercial burglary report. Officers determinedthe unknown suspect entered by forcing open a roof air vent. Once inside, thesuspect forced open a desk drawer and stole $1,500. The investigation isongoing.
At8:37 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s located at 400 S. Baldwin Ave.,regarding a shoplifting report. A store employee witnessed the suspect steal numerousitems. During a search of the suspect, the officer located burglary tools, drugparaphernalia, and suspected illicit drugs. A records check revealed thesuspect had two outstanding warrants. The 34-year-old female from HuntingtonBeach was arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At9:44 a.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 00 block of ChristinaStreet regarding a vandalism report. The victim discovered her rear windshieldof her car had been shattered sometime during the previous night. There is nosuspect information at this time.
At12:16 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 600 block of West NaomiAvenue regarding a grand theft report. The victim discovered his catalyticconverter had been stolen sometime during the previous night. There are noinvestigative leads as of the date of this report.
At1:22 p.m., an officer responded to the 200 block of Rolyn Place regarding astolen vehicle report. An investigation revealed an unsecured vehicle wasstolen and sold to an unsuspecting buyer. The vehicle is currently located inArkansas. Local authorities will attempt to recover the vehicle. Theinvestigation is ongoing.
At3:02 p.m., an officer responded to the Arcadia Police Department to take afraud report. The officer discovered the suspect forged the victim’s checks andattempted to pass them. Thankfully, the bank flagged the transaction as fraudand the victim did not sustain a financial loss. The investigation is ongoing.
At9:10 p.m., an officer responded to a residence in the 00 block of Genoa Streetregarding a grand theft report. Sometime during the previous night, an unknownsuspect stole the catalytic converter from the victim’s Prius. There are noinvestigative leads as of the date of this report.
At6:28 p.m., the Arcadia Police Department received a report of grand theft froman outside agency. The report states the victim hired Mama Movers, located outof Anaheim, to move their property from Arcadia to Texas. The victim’s propertynever arrived and after contacting Anaheim Police Department, the victimdiscovered the moving company was a fraudulent company. The investigation isongoing.
At6:26 p.m., an officer responded to Macy’s, located at 400 S. Baldwin Ave.,regarding a theft report. A store employee witnessed the suspect steal storemerchandise. The 48-year-old female from Walnut was arrested and transported tothe Arcadia City Jail for booking.