Three measures on the California ballot for the Nov. 3 election have implications for California’s public education system and young people: Proposition 15 would raise commercial and industrial property taxes, producing billions of dollars in new revenue for schools and community colleges, as well as for county and local governments.
Proposition 16 would roll back the law that banned affirmative action in 1996, and would allow the state to consider race and gender in college admissions and public-agency hiring and contracting. Proposition 18 would allow 17-year-olds to vote in primary and special elections if they turn 18 in time for the next general election.
Scroll down for live election results by county from the California Secretary of State’s office for these ballot measures. For the latest updates on the presidential election and other state and national races, please visit our news partner, the Los Angeles Times . P
lease note the results reported on this page will change as precincts across the state report their tallies, a process which may be slower than usual this year due to the pandemic. To get more reports like this one, click here to sign up for EdSource’s no-cost daily email on latest developments […]