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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Appoints its First Police Chief of Japanese Descent

Arcadia Appoints its First Police Chief of Japanese Descent

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ArcadiaCity Manager Dominic Lazzaretto has appointed Captain Roy Nakamura as the city’s30th police chief. A 28-year veteran of the Arcadia PoliceDepartment, Nakamura is the current operations captain.

WhenNakamura succeeds Chief Robert T. Guthrie — who is retiring from the ArcadiaPolice Department after a distinguished career of over 31 years — on Jan. 9, 2021,he will become the first police chief of Japanese and Asian descent in a citythat once temporarily incarcerated Japanese and Japanese Americans at SantaAnita Park during World War II and is currently 60.8% Asian.

Speakingto the Los Angeles Times, Nakamura says that while his appointment is a sign ofprogress, there are still lessons to learn from history. “Obviously, I wasn’there during those times, and not everything in history has been positive, butwe’re also here to learn from our mistakes, and I wouldn’t be here if I didn’tbelieve in the city of Arcadia.”

“Iam honored to be named the next Police Chief for the City of Arcadia,” said Nakamurain a statement released by the city. “The Arcadia Police Department is one ofthe finest law enforcement organizations in the country. I appreciate thesupport and confidence of the city manager, City Council, the men and women ofthe Arcadia Police Department, and the entire Arcadia community.”

“Weappreciate all those who have risen to the call of service as Arcadia policechief,” said Mayor Roger Chandler. “Captain Nakamura continues in the long lineof excellence in law enforcement leadership that this community has come toexpect and enjoy from its Police Department.”

Nakamurabegan his career with the Arcadia Police Department in 1992 as a police officer.As an officer, he was assigned to patrol and worked as a field training officer,as well as being assigned to the Detective Bureau. As detective, he wasassigned to the Forgery and Fraud Unit and completed his Detective Bureauassignment in the Crimes Against Persons Unit. He was promoted to sergeant in2002 and worked as a field supervisor until he was transferred to Personnel andTraining. In 2009, Nakamura was promoted to lieutenant, working variousassignments under the Operations and Administration Divisions within the department,including watch commander, detective bureau commander, field training officersprogram commander, and force training unit commander. In 2019, he was promotedto captain. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Cal Poly Pomona and ismarried with four grown children and a grandson.

“Royis exceptionally qualified to lead the Arcadia Police Department,” said CityManager Dominic Lazzaretto. “Over the years I have known him, I have seen thatRoy is conscientious, progressive, and dedicated to keeping Arcadia safe,” headded.

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