Arcadia Unified Teachers Share What Learning Looks Like in a Pandemic
ByArcadia Unified Digital Communications Intern Anvitha Marlapati
“Iappreciate the opportunity to connect with them, to teach them, and to supportthem during this challenging time,” said Karalee Nakatsuka, an eighth-grade historyteacher at Arcadia Unified’s First Avenue Middle School, referring to the 165students she is currently teaching. Not only is Nakatsuka managing the impactsof the pandemic on her own family, but she also remains as committed as ever togiving her students the quality instruction that this 2019 Gilder LehrmanInsitute’s California History Teacher of the Year has become known for.
Notonly devastating the world by taking many lives, the coronavirus has puteveryone on lockdown, forcing many businesses, shops, services, events, andcountless more activities to shut down to help curtail the spread of COVID-19and save lives. Schools have also been physically shut throughout the UnitedStates and other parts of the world with a pivot towards distance learning. Asa result, teachers have had to burn the candle at both ends and work quickly tomove instructional materials, lessons, and the like online in order to continueto provide support and an engaging education for their students. Though theArcadia Unified School District has been physically closed since March 13,2020, Arcadia Unified teachers have kept their classes and learning goingvirtually.
“Weclassroom teachers had to transition quite quickly to remote learning,” saidNakatsuka. “We left school on Friday, March 13. It was the end of the quarterand a half-day. We didn’t find out that we were not returning to school (for anunknown period) until the end of the half-day, so I was only able to saygood-bye to two classes.”
Natakstukaexpressed a sentiment shared by many educators during this time, admitting thatremote teaching is challenging. “My first concern was how to communicate withmy students at the beginning of this time. Every Monday, on Google Classroom, Ipost a video which talks about COVID-19 and Arcadia Unified updates, First Avenuehappenings, reviews and previews of the week, student happenings, what I’m upto, and any encouraging words I can share with the students. I also post theassignment(s) for the week.”
Althoughthere are some perks to virtual learning, Nakatsuka noted her concern forstudents’ lacking participation in those first days following the initialschool closures. She mentioned how the lack of student motivation was verychallenging. “We, teachers, have emailed, we have offered multiple videoconferences and we have strategized with each other, but it is hard to seekparticipation from our students.”
Asof now, it has been six months since schools were physically shutdown, and duethe state’s tiered system guiding a county’s ability to reopen variousservices, there has been no sign of returning to campus anytime soon for L.A.County schools. Many teachers spent their summer learning new technology andinvestigating different online methods for delivering instruction. “There havebeen many changes made since March and now,” said Nakatsuka. She appreciateshow the district gave her and all of the other teachers the option to work intheir classroom or work remotely from home.
Whenthe stay-at-home order was delivered in March, it was initially optional forstudents to attend class in this new all-virtual environment. With theuncertainty of how long the “Safer at Home” policies would be in effect,attendance and assignments were also fairly optional. In March, grading was alsounique. Grades could remain the same as they were before the physical closureand could only improve, which, arguably, is what made learning feel optionalfor students. “Now, attendance and grades are mandatory, and we are expectingstudents to complete the regular curriculum,” said Neda Kuso, an AdvancedPlacement (AP) environmental science and honors chemistry teacher at Arcadia HighSchool. Kuso has served the students at Arcadia High School for 15 years andhas also taught regular chemistry and AP chemistry.
Kusostressed the importance of every student receiving the proper educationalsupport they need. “Giving immediate feedback is challenging online,” Kusoshared. “In physical school, I can walk around the classroom and give studentsindividual attention during class. It is difficult to do that online withoutfeeling like I am singling out a student. Working in groups is also a largepart of how my classes are run in physical school and it is difficult to getthe same level of participation when it is only online due to various reasons —slow computer, internet issues, microphone not working, power outages, earthquakes,fires [… etc.].”
Kusoalso explained the importance of students finding an organizational system thatworks for them in this new online world of learning. She also mentioned thatthere are multiple platforms used for all classes. In her class alone, Kuso hasbeen communicating with her students through Zoom for class, Google Meet foroffice hours, email for general questions, Google Classroom for assignments,and Remind for various announcements.
While COVID-19 has undoubtedly impacted what school and learning look like for students and teachers alike, the takeaways from these Arcadia Unified educators and their experience thus far are to keep trying and find new ways to stay connected, organized, and optimistic. For more information about the Arcadia Unified School District and for its school closure updates, visit