Long Beach Opera stays busy online
The phrase “the opera ain’t over until the fat lady sings” first appeared on the sports pages of the Dallas Morning News in March 1976. The saying cautions against assuming that the result of an event is irreversible and is most commonly used in association with athletic competitions. Jenny Rivera, executive director and CEO of Long Beach Opera, would argue that the same can be said about her organization. COVID-19 has stopped almost all live performances, but where there is a will, there is a way. Long Beach Opera (LBO) has been vigorously devising live innovative performance opportunities for its artists and audiences. Three new offerings have been announced for fall 2020 including the 2020 Songbook — a fundraiser premiering 20 newly commissioned works; Viva VERDI, an online course focusing on the activism of 19th century opera composers; and The Creative in Me, a new work for children featuring Black composers through history. “It has been interesting times, for sure,” Rivera said. “We were uniquely positioned to […]
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