While the nation was still digesting the first presidential debate, organizers in Long Beach have been busy educating undocumented residents of their rights after threats of arrests by the Trump Administration. The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the administration was preparing to target cities that have adopted “sanctuary” policies with a wave of arrests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers starting this month. A local educational workshop had been planned for some time, but this week’s news—reported just hours before the debate—made the workshop very timely. Gaby Hernandez, executive director of the Long Beach Immigrants Rights Coalition, said that Wednesday’s “Know Your Rights” workshop and future ones are designed to empower residents by letting them know what they can do when interacting with ICE officers, but also to calm fears. These kinds of raids have been happening since before Trump was in office, but because he’s so “in your face about it,” it’s stoking anxiety in immigrant communities, she said. “We know this is just a political move, […]