L.A. Public Health Reports Cases of Newborns with COVID-19
On Wednesday, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) released information regarding confirmed cases of COVID-19 among pregnant women.
Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer reported that 1,200 pregnant women have tested positive for the virus and 79% of these women were symptomatic, as of Wednesday. Two women who were pregnant passed away from COVID-19. Among the 193 infants that were tested for COVID-19 at birth, eight tested positive for the virus and 185 tested negative.
According to Public Health, pregnant people are at higher risk than other people from diseases caused by infection due to various changes in the body during pregnancy. There is no evidence so far that pregnant people are contracting CODIV-19 more often than other people, but officials still do not know enough for sure.
Public Health advises pregnant women and new mothers to take extra care to avoid being infected. Expecting and new moms should stay home as much as possible. If going out is a must, Public Health directs wearing a cloth face covering, keeping physical distance, and washing hands frequently.
Those who are sick or positive for COVID-19 and breastfeeding, should wear a mask while breastfeeding or bottle feeding, and should wash their hands before touching the baby or any pump or bottle before using. If possible, someone else should feed the baby pumped breastmilk in a bottle. More detailed guidance for expecting and new moms can be found online.