Monrovia Crime Blotters: Aug. 13-19
At12:55 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 700 block of West Huntington when hesaw a suspicious vehicle occupied by two subjects parked near a closedbusiness. The officer contacted the subjects and saw drug paraphernalia inplain view. An investigation revealed one of the subjects was on Post ReleaseCommunity Supervision. A search of the vehicle resulted in the officers findinga controlled substance and prescription medications not belonging to eithersubjects. Both subjects were placed under arrest.
At12:49 p.m., security for a business in the 1600 block of South Mountainreported he had detained a male subject who shoplifted from the store. Thesubject left the store with merchandise he did not pay for and was taken intocustody by store loss prevention. Officers arrived and conducted aninvestigation. The subject was arrested.
At7:16 p.m., officers responded to the report of a subject loitering in the 700block of West Foothill. The subject was contacted and further investigationrevealed he was in possession of someone else’s credit card and drugparaphernalia. He was arrested for the charges.
At8:39 a.m., a resident in the 1800 block of Sixth Avenue called police to reportthat her vehicle had been burglarized two days prior. The suspect broke her carwindow to gain entry and took the victim’s purse, which had been left in thevehicle. This investigation is continuing.
At9:06 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of West Walnut walked outside his homeand discovered someone had taken his pickup truck sometime during the night.Officers searched the area for the vehicle but did not locate it. The vehiclewas entered into the law enforcement stolen vehicle system. This investigationis continuing.
At10:54 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of East Los Angeles discovered someoneremoved the catalytic converter from his vehicle sometime during this night.Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. This investigation iscontinuing.
At11:58 a.m., officers responded to a traffic collision near the intersection ofMayflower and Genoa. Upon arrival, they saw the two vehicles involved blockingthe roadway. An officer recognized one of the drivers from previous encounters.Further investigation revealed the vehicle he was driving was stolen. He wasarrested but complained of pain. The suspect was released on a citation andtransported to a hospital for treatment. The stolen vehicle was recovered.
At2:32 p.m., security for a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain calledto say a subject was inside the business concealing property and was about toleave. Officers arrived and contacted the subject as he exited with theunpurchased property. The property was recovered, and the subject was arrested.
At6:59 p.m., an employee from a business in the 1600 block of South Mountaincalled police to report a male and female subject that left the store withoutpaying for merchandise. Store security was able to detain the female suspect,but the male suspect fled with the merchandise. Officers arrived and conductedan investigation. The female suspect was placed under arrest. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At8:25 a.m., officers responded to the 900 block of West Huntington regarding amale and female couple involved in an argument. Investigation revealed that themale subject choked and pushed the female against a wall, causing an injury.The male was arrested and taken into custody.
At6:35 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 300 block of West Duarte. Thevictim left his keys in the ignition and walked away from the vehicle forapproximately five minutes. When he returned, his vehicle was gone. Officersresponded and checked the area for the vehicle but did not located it. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At8:55 p.m., officers responded to the 1400 block of Encino regarding neighborsfighting over money. Both parties physically injured the other. Initially, bothparties did not want prosecution, but one half later changed his mind. Averified complaint request was filed with the District Attorney’s Office.
At9 p.m., an officer patrolling the 900 block of West Huntington saw a subjectloitering inside a hotel parking lot. The officer contacted the subject and sawthe subject was in possession of drug paraphernalia. The subject was arrested.
At1:32 a.m., officers responded to the 400 block of West Colorado regardingsubjects loitering inside an elementary school. Upon arrival, the subjects fledin a vehicle, but were stopped by another officer. A broken window was discoveredat the school and the investigation resulted in one of the subjects beingarrested for vandalism.
At12:32 p.m., an employee of a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain wasassisting a customer with a product and placed his personal keys down. Thecustomer picked up the keys and left the area. The employee realized he wasmissing his keys and went out to his vehicle. He found the customer sitting inhis vehicle about to start it. He pulled the subject out of his vehicle anddemanded his keys back. The subject returned the keys and left the scene onfoot. Officers were notified and searched the area for the suspect but wereunsuccessful. The investigation is continuing.
At8 p.m., officers responded to the 500 block of East Olive regarding a familydisturbance. A male adult was intoxicated and battered his father-in-law. Thefather-in-law also battered the intoxicated subject in self-defense. A verifiedcomplaint request was filed with the District Attorney’s Office.
At8:05 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the 500 block of West Huntington when hesaw a subject loitering in a parking lot. He contacted the subject and discoveredthe subject had a warrant for his arrest. While speaking to the subject, thesubject’s girlfriend arrived. The subject then attempted to pass his girlfriendan item, which was intercepted by the officer. The item was discovered to be abag containing multiple controlled substances. The subject was arrested.
At3:12 p.m., a driver was heading east on Almond when he collided with a parkedvehicle near Almond’s intersection at Shamrock. The driver exited the vehicleand began walking away from the scene of the accident. Officers arrived andlocated the driver down the street and found he had sustained no injuries.Officers spoke with the driver and determined the driver was under theinfluence of alcohol. The suspect was arrested for driving under the influenceand held for a sobering period.