Monrovia Crime Blotters: Aug. 6–12
At7:44 a.m., officers were patrolling the parking lot of a business in the 1600block of South Mountain when they saw a male subject sleeping in his vehicle.They approached the vehicle and saw a methamphetamine pipe on the passengerseat. When the subject was contacted, he was also found to be in possession ofmethamphetamine. The subject was arrested.
At3:23 p.m., a resident in the 600 block of West Lime received a textnotification that her UPS packages were delivered and signed for the daybefore. She had no knowledge of this. She contacted UPS and confirmed her AppleMacBook and Air Pods were given to an unknown female suspect. Thisinvestigation is continuing.
At5:04 p.m., a resident in the 100 block of North Garfield reported a theft thatoccurred sometime during the day from their vehicle, which was parked in theirdriveway. An officer reviewed a security camera, and it appears the suspectsentered the vehicle through an unlocked driver-side door. A set of keys weretaken from the center console. This investigation is continuing.
At10:26 a.m., a caller reported a bicyclist and a motorist had just collided intoone another at the intersection of Primrose and Colorado. The bicyclist wascomplaining of pain to his left knee but refused medical attention. The driverof the vehicle was found at fault and was issued a citation for the drivingviolation.
At10:17 p.m., an employee from a business in the 400 block of South Myrtle calledpolice to report a subject at the location who was yelling obscenities andracial slurs at patrons. Officers arrived and determined the subject wasintoxicated and unable to care for himself or others. He was arrested and heldfor a sobering period.
At12:34 a.m., a caller reported a possible drunk driver in the area of Coloradoand Myrtle. Officers arrived in the area and located the vehicle. The officerobserved the driver commit a traffic violation and conducted a traffic stop.After a DUI investigation, it was determined the driver was intoxicated. Shewas arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period.
At7:06 a.m., a resident in the 400 block of Hurstview reported her neighbor hadtrespassed onto her gated property earlier that morning, yelling and screamingat the resident. The resident completed a no-trespass authorization against herneighbor and the neighbors were advised.
At11:16 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of Norumbega reported that two daysprior someone took his backpack out of his unlocked vehicle, which was parkedin front of his home. His backpack contained a locked, disassembled handgun. Hewaited to report the crime because he thought he may have misplaced hisbackpack at first and had been searching for it.
At11:26 a.m., a resident in the 600 block of West Foothill reported findingsomeone’s mail scattered across his apartment complex parking lot. The mailbelonged to an Arcadia resident, so Arcadia Police Department responded andcollected it. The Arcadia resident confirmed it had been stolen.
At8:59 p.m., an employee from a business in the 700 block of West Huntingtoncalled to report a suspicious subject loitering in the lobby. An officerresponded and spoke with the subject. The officer learned the subject was acritical missing from Alhambra. The officer bought the subject some food whilethey waited for Alhambra Police Department to respond.
At7:23 a.m., a resident in the 200 block of Atara reported someone had enteredher unlocked vehicle sometime during the night and took personal items. Anotherresident in the same block reported the same thing happened to two of theirunlocked cars during the night. This investigation is continuing.
At8:56 a.m., a resident in the 400 block of Genoa, adjacent to the wash, reportedsomeone entered his backyard and took his blue bicycle. This investigation iscontinuing.
At9:06 a.m., a pedestrian was walking in a parking lot in the 1600 block of SouthMountain when she was struck by a vehicle at a speed of less than 10 miles perhour. The pedestrian was thrown a few feet and struck the ground. She sufferednon-life-threatening injuries and was transported to a local hospital formedical treatment. The driver was determined to be at fault and was issued acitation.
At4:43 p.m., a caller reported a subject in the area of Greystone and Mountainthat he knew was wanted by the police. Officers located a vehicle matching thedescription provided to dispatch and initiated a traffic stop. When the vehiclecame to a stop, the subject exited the vehicle and fled on foot. Officerschased the subject through several yards and streets. The subject waseventually detained and arrested.
At7:12 p.m., a traffic collision was reported at the intersection of Huntingtonand Shamrock. Officers responded and checked on the wellbeing of the occupants.Two people were transported to a local hospital for complaint of pain.Investigation continuing.
At6:59 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of North Canyon called to report avehicle burglary. Officers arrived and saw the driver-side window had beensmashed and the vehicle had been ransacked. The owner stated nothing was takenfrom the vehicle. Investigation continuing.