What’s The Average Web Application Development Cost?
Today, we have apps for absolutely everything. It’s very convenient and allows people to solve a wide array of tasks in a matter of seconds. Therefore, the area of web app development is trendy. More and more companies hire professional developers to build a mobile application to make their services closer to the targeted audience. But have you ever thought about the approximate cost of your web application? What sum is enough to cover these expenses? Let’s have a look at this question in greater detail.
It is really hard to name the final price of your product withoutknowing all the details of your future app. The average cost varies greatly andis contingent on multiple variables. In this post, we’ll analyze all theaspects that influence the app development cost and provide you with a fewsuperb tips that might help you minimise the expenses.
Overview of The Main Stages of Web App Building
Before analyzing the web application development cost, we should knowwhat particular steps the development process includes.
Choosing the main idea
Your goal is to formulate your idea clearly. Simply put, you should knowwhat result you want to achieve. Think about it and understand your needsbefore hiring experts that will help you live out your dream.
Making marketing research is a mandatory stage. Your goal is to analyzethe supply and demand. You have to build an app that will be interesting foryour targeted audience and will help you increase revenue. Therefore, toachieve the best results, you need to analyze your competitors’ websites andconduct desk research.
Analyzing the features
The web application cost depends on many issues, but one of them is thenumber of features that you want to add.
Find a professional mobile app development team
The success of your future product is also contingent on the professionalism of the development team. Therefore, you should make sure you deal with a professional outsource web development company that is ready to meet your requirements.
Prototypes and wireframes should be created. As a result, you’ll get aclear understanding of how your future app will look like. It’s a creativeprocess that also influences the average cost.
A lot depends on design. However, you shouldn’t only trust yourinstincts. The interface should be appealing, clear, user-friendly, and modern!
The development process
Any development process includes two stages: frontend and backend.
It’s a significant stage many clients are trying to avoid, but in fact,this desire may lead to lots of issues. It is really hard to build an appwithout bugs. Testing enables you to fix all these bugs and ensure your app isrunning correctly.
Launching the mobile app
It’s a final stage that usually lasts for a few weeks. Launching the appalso requires the assistance of experts in this niche.
The Main Levels of App Complexity
The average development cost varies from $3,000 to $250,000.Nevertheless, a lot depends on the application type. When you know how to builda web app and what type meets the needs of your business most of all, it iseasier to make a pre-estimation. Overall, mobile apps are subdivided into thefollowing three categories:
- Simple web apps. It can be a single-page application or a landing page that has a simple design and a minimum set of options. They are very easy to build, and the average cost varies from $3,000 to $10,000. The average development time is one or two months.
- Medium web apps. They mostly include a variety of interactive elements and have a large volume of content. The average price varies from $15,00 to $50,000, and it takes three or four months to build them.
- Complex web apps. Large-scale businesses usually need them. Such applications include CMSs, a variety of exclusive options, big databases, and various content. The average development cost – $250,000.
Overview of The Main Factors That Influence AppDevelopment
How much does it cost to build an app? You will hardly find a companythat can announce the exact cost of app development without knowing thedetails. Besides, the price can change depending on the complexity of yourproduct. We’ve listed some basic things that you should bear in mind whenplanning your budget:
- Decide onhow many features you want to add. What are the compulsory options? What arethe secondary features? What about the deadline? Is it an online store or alanding page?
- UserInterface. If you are on a budget, you can use a free template for the UI. Butif your overriding purpose is to build a unique project, you should make acreative design. A UI design that attracts customers is attractive, intuitive,and flexible.
- The Niche.It goes without saying that the price for building an online store and acomplex engineering app is absolutely different. An online store is easier tobuild because it’s a well-known and straightforward mass-market project. Aproduct for an engineering company is more expensive and time-sapping becauseit involves the collaboration of experts in various niches.
- Thedeveloper’s country. You know that the price for the services of developersvaries depending on their country of residence. For example, Canada, USA, andAustralia are the most expensive regions. In Pasadena developer usually receive $70-$180per hour but the price also varies depending on the area.
When you know how to estimate the average cost of app development, you can plan your budget properly. We are ready to provide you with qualified assistance in creating attractive and quality web apps. Our development team has many years of experience in this niche and is ready to build a web app that will help increase the revenue of your business! Feel free to contact us to clarify the details!