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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: July 9-15

Monrovia Crime Blotters: July 9-15

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At8:19 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 1800 block of California. Thevictim reported the vehicle belonged to his business and it was stolen off thestreet sometime during the night. Officers arrived and conducted aninvestigation. This investigation is continuing.

At11:55 a.m., officers responded to the 1300 block of South Mayflower regarding asubject going into the location and threatening to kill the security guard.Multiple calls on the same subject acting erratically had been made over thelast two weeks at the location. A no-trespassing order had also been completedagainst the subject. Officers tried to locate the subject at his home, but hewas not there. Investigation continuing.

At7:01 p.m., a resident reported that the catalytic converter had been stolen offhis vehicle. The vehicle had been parked in the 700 block of South Ivy. Thisinvestigation is continuing.


At8:15 a.m., a security guard for a commercial building in the 1300 block of SouthMayflower reported a male subject who made death threats toward him theprevious day had returned. Officers responded, located the subject, andarrested him for making criminal threats.

At10:13 a.m., a resident in the 300 block of East Hillcrest reported that she wasa victim of fraud. She had received a telephone call from someone claiming theycould remove viruses from her computer, so she gave this person access to hercomputer, then ended up wiring him $26,000 from her savings account to a bankin Thailand. This investigation is continuing.

At11:06 p.m., a hotel in the 900 block of South Fifth called to report aburglary. The front desk was left unattended for approximately two hours.During that time, a male suspect entered, looked around for a few moments andthen jumped over the front desk. The suspect proceeded to open the register andretrieve money. Approximately $300 was stolen from the register. Theinvestigation is continuing.


At7:13 a.m., a caller reported a vehicle collided into a parked car in the 1100block of South Magnolia, then flipped over. Officers and paramedics responded,but the driver was not injured. He was using his cellphone and becamedistracted, causing the collision. After investigation, the driver was issued acitation.


At8:51 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of East El Norte reported someone hadentered her unlocked vehicle which was parked in front of her house and tookmoney and groceries that were inside. This investigation is continuing.

At3:33 p.m., an officer was patrolling the 2600 block of South Myrtle when he sawgraffiti on the side of a building. The officer contacted the owner of thebuilding, but he did not know how long it had been there. The graffiti will beremoved. This investigation is continuing.

At9:49 p.m., a theft from a vehicle was reported in the 400 block of WestHuntington. The victim left his vehicle unlocked while he went into arestaurant. When he returned, he found his jacket was missing, along with hiswallet containing his credit cards. This investigation is continuing.

At11:58 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 400 block of Lotoneregarding a male and female yelling at each other. When officers arrived, thefemale said she and her fiancé were arguing and he choked her multiple times.Officers found there was an existing restraining order issued three monthsprior, due to a similar incident. The male suspect was arrested for domesticviolence.


at9:04 a.m., two vehicles collided at the intersection of Foothill and Shamrock.Officers responded along with paramedics from Monrovia Fire and Rescue. One ofthe drivers was transported to a local hospital with non-life-threateninginjuries.

At5:56 p.m., officers responded to the 300 block of East Palm regarding the theftof a shotgun. The victim allowed a subject to stay at his house overnight. Thesubject had offered to purchase the shotgun from the victim. The victim refusedto sell the shotgun and the next day the shotgun went missing. Thisinvestigation is continuing.


At10:12 a.m., a caller reported a traffic collision involving a tow truck nearthe intersection of California and Evergreen. Officers responded to the sceneof the collision. During the investigation, an officer learned the tow truckpicked up a disabled vehicle out of town and was towing it to Monrovia, butthere was a disagreement regarding the extra fees. The tow truck driver leftthe shop with the vehicle, and the owner’s husband followed the tow truck. Atone point, the husband cut off the tow truck and began to argue with thedriver. The tow truck driver backed up his vehicle, and the husband reversedhis vehicle and intentionally collided into the tow truck. He was arrested forassault with a deadly weapon.

At11:34 a.m., a female subject called police to report her vehicle was stolenfrom the 1000 block of South Canyon. Officers responded and conducted aninvestigation. The victim left her vehicle running while she dropped off itemsinside of a building. She was away from her vehicle for approximately threeminutes. When she returned, the vehicle was gone. This investigation iscontinuing.

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