Arcadia Crime Blotters: July 5-11
At 6:03 a.m., officer responded to the alleybehind 24 Hour Fitness, located at 125 N. First Ave., in regard to two suspectsbeing detained by a security alarm officer. An investigation revealed twosuspects were in possession of stolen mail and property and a third suspect wasfound in a nearby utility closet of the gym and was also in possession ofstolen property, packages, and mail. A 33-year-old female from Santa Barbara, a34-year-old male from Irwindale, and a 25-year-old male transient from Arcadiawere arrested and transported to the Arcadia City Jail for booking.
At 9:12 a.m., an officerresponded to a residence in the 400 block of California Avenue regarding a mailtheft report. The reporting party discovered eight of the community mailboxeshad been tampered with and were ajar. It is unknown if any mail was stolen.There is no suspect information at this time.
At 11:44 a.m., an officer responded to the 00block of West Live Oak Avenue regarding a stolen vehicle report. Sometimebetween July 2 and July 6, the victim’s SPCNS trailer had been stolen from therear parking lot. There is no suspect information at the time of this report.
At 6:04 p.m., an officer responded to the 900 blockof Magnis Street regarding a theft from vehicle report. The victim left herpurse in plain view in her unlocked vehicle. When she returned, her purse hadbeen stolen. The investigation is pending a review of the surveillance footage.
At 6:43 a.m., officers responded to YoungBoxing, located at 113 E. Santa Clara St., regarding an aggravated assaultreport. Surveillance footage revealed the unknown suspect brandished a knife ashe approached the entrance of the gym. The victim came out from the gym andconfronted the suspect. An altercation ensued and the victim chased the suspectaway. The suspect returned with a metal sign and began hitting the door to thegym. The victim returned and scared off the suspect with a firearm. The suspectultimately fled. During the interactions, the victim sustained a cut to histhigh and foot. Arcadia Fire responded but the victim refused to betransported. The suspect is described as a Hispanic male wearing a black hat,black shirt, and black pants. He was seen riding a bicycle. The investigationis ongoing.
At 12:07 p.m., an officer responded to the 400block of East Pamela Road regarding a theft from vehicle report. Between 5:15-5:20a.m., an unknown suspect entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle that had beenparked in the driveway, ransacked the car, and fled with an unknown amount ofproperty. There is no suspect information at this time.
At 3:57 a.m., officer responded to theintersection of First Avenue and Foothill Boulevard regarding an aggravatedassault report. When the victim declined to give the suspect a cigarette, the31-year-old female transient attacked the victim. The victim, a fellow transient,stated she was struck with a tool similar to a large meat tenderizer. Officerslocated the suspect nearby and arrested her. She was transported to thePasadena City Jail for booking. Arcadia Fire responded and rendered aid at thescene.
At 7:30 a.m., an officer responded to the 400block of Walnut Avenue regarding a vandalism report. The victim discoveredunknown suspect(s) caused damage to her mailbox by knocking it over. There isno surveillance footage or suspect information at this time.
At 1:01 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 1900 block of South Seventh Avenue regarding a residentialburglary report. The victim discovered an unknown suspect entered his opengarage and stole his black travel kit bag. There is no suspect information atthis time.
At 10:34 p.m., an officerresponded to a residence in the 100 block of West Palm Drive regarding aresidential burglary report. The officer determined unknown suspects enteredthe home by forcing open the front door. It appears as if the suspects opened adrawer in a bedroom, but the loss is unknown at this time. The investigation isongoing.
At 1:47 p.m., an officer responded to Church ofthe Good Shepard, located at 400 W. Duarte Road, regarding a commercialburglary report. An investigation revealed unknown suspects forced their wayinto a locked restroom and ultimately damaged a toilet paper dispenser. Thesuspect(s) left bloody towels and blood on the walls of the restroom. Theinvestigation is ongoing.
At 2:16 p.m., an officerresponded to KGS Electronics, located at 418 E. Live Oak Ave., regarding avandalism report. The victim reported that the front passenger window of hisvehicle had been smashed. It did not appear that the suspect(s) entered thevehicle. The investigation is ongoing.
At 5:31 a.m., an officer responded to Maki andSushi, located at 302 E. Huntington Drive, regarding a commercial burglaryreport. The reporting party notified police of a smashed front glass door tothe restaurant. The officer checked the business and discovered the cashregister area appeared to be ransacked. The investigation is ongoing.
At 7:54 a.m., an officer responded to SpringHillSuites, located at 99 N. Second Ave., regarding a theft report. Aninvestigation revealed a male subject paid an unknown male to have sex with aprostitute. When the prostitute didn’t show up, the male subject called ArcadiaPD and falsely reported a robbery. The investigation is ongoing.