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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: May 14-20

Monrovia Crime Blotters: May 14-20

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May 14

At 3:52a.m., a resident in the 200 block of East Walnut called police to report hiscatalytic converter had been stolen from his truck. Officers responded andconducted an investigation. The investigation is continuing.

At 4:35a.m., a customer of a business in the 400 block of West Foothill called policeto report a suspect had stolen his wallet and cell phone. The victim attemptedto follow the suspect, but the suspect pulled out a knife and threatened thevictim. Officers responded and checked the area, but the suspect had fled. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At 8:54a.m., a male subject entered a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain andshoplifted several items. He was confronted by store loss prevention anddropped the property before fleeing on foot. Officers located the suspect nearbyand arrested him. He was issued a citation to appear in court on the charges.

At 11:25a.m., a caller reported a male subject removing his clothing while sitting on abench in the 200 block of West Foothill. When officers arrived, the subjectfled the location, but he was quickly located on Linwood and was found to be onprobation. He was arrested.

At 5:46p.m., a commercial burglary was reported in the 2100 block of South Myrtle. Thevictim reported her storage unit at the location was broken into by someone.Officers responded and conducted an investigation. This investigation iscontinuing.

At 9:53p.m., officers responded to a gas station in the 1500 block of South Myrtleregarding a disturbing subject. Investigation revealed the subject had a warrantfor her arrest. She was arrested per the authority of the warrant.

May 15

At 6:23a.m., officers responded to an alarm at a business in the 700 block of EastHuntington. Upon arrival, they found a window to the front had been damaged,but not shattered enough to make entry. Security camera footage showed threesuspects attempting to break the window. This investigation is continuing.

At 7:17a.m., a vehicle burglary was reported in the 200 block of East Olive. Thevehicle was burglarized sometime during the night. Officers arrived and foundboth rear windows had been smashed and several power tools were stolen. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At 7:25p.m., a female subject called police to report she had located a vehicle in the700 block of West Walnut that had been stolen from her. Her vehicle was stolenout of Paramount and the suspect, her ex-boyfriend, was already in custody.Officers confirmed the vehicle had been stolen and released the vehicle to theowner.

May 16

At 12:34a.m., officers were conducting extra patrol in the 900 block of West Duartewhen they contacted a male subject acting suspiciously. As they spoke with themale subject, an employee from a business advised the officers that the suspecthad stolen merchandise from the store. The suspect admitted to stealing themerchandise. He was arrested for the theft.

at 7:56a.m., an officer was patrolling the 400 block of West Duarte when he sawseveral subjects in the wash area in violation of posted no-trespassing signs.All the subjects were previously warned by officers not to trespass in thewash. All subjects were arrested and issued citations.

At 1:54p.m., a resident in the 800 block of West Duarte reported her husband hadbattered her, causing visible injuries to her head. Officers and paramedicsresponded and the victim was treated for her injuries. After the investigationwas completed, the suspect was arrested and taken into custody.

At 5:11p.m., a caller reported a female motorist was stopped in traffic and slumpedover in the driver’s seat at the intersection of Magnolia and Huntington.Officers and paramedics responded. The subject was contacted and found to beheavily intoxicated. She was too intoxicated to perform field sobriety tests.She was arrested for DUI and held for a sobering period.

At 9:24p.m., officers witnessed a subject fail to stop at the stop sign at Fifth andChestnut. They were able to catch up to the vehicle and a traffic stop wasinitiated. The subject fled from the vehicle and hid underneath a truck parkedin the 900 block of West Olive. The subject ultimately came out from underneaththe truck and was arrested for resisting and delaying a peace officer.

May 17

At 8 a.m.,an officer was patrolling the 800 block of South Alta Vista when he saw avehicle that appeared to have been burglarized with the door lock broken. Hestopped and looked inside the vehicle and found wires hanging from theignition. The owner was located and reported the ignition system and door-lockwere not damaged when he parked the vehicle. It appears as if the suspectattempted to steal the vehicle, but was not successful. This investigation iscontinuing.

May 18

At 9:29a.m., an officer responded to the 100 block of East Chestnut regarding avehicle burglary investigation. A preliminary investigation revealed thesuspect punched the driver’s door lock to gain access into the victim’svehicle. Once inside the vehicle, the suspect tampered with the ignition inattempt to start the vehicle, but was unsuccessful. The suspect was seengetting into a four door sedan, possibly a KIA Optima, before fleeing the area.The investigation is ongoing.

At 1:03p.m., officers responded to the 700 block of West Foothill regarding a malesuspect that was seen stealing a package from the front of a home. Officersarrived in the area but were unsuccessful in locating the suspect. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At 4:30p.m., officers responded to a business in the 1600 block of South Mountainregarding a male suspect detained by loss prevention officers for stealing atoolbox and tools. The suspect was positively identified and arrested forshoplifting.

At 6:23p.m., an officer took a theft report of a catalytic converter over the phone.The theft occurred in the 300 block of East Olive. This investigation iscontinuing.

At 10:48p.m., the Monrovia Fire Department called police to report a disturbing subjectattempting to enter the fire station in the 100 block of East Lemon. Thesubject tried leaving on his bicycle by going up the stairs between the firestation and parking area. Officers made contact with the subject, who was foundto be in possession of drug paraphernalia. He was arrested.

May 19

At 4:22p.m., a vehicle traveling west at the intersection of California and Lemonfailed to yield to a vehicle traveling north. One of the parties suffered acontusion on his head, but did not wish to be taken to a hospital.

May 20

At 7:08a.m., two vehicles collided in the intersection of California and Huntingtonafter one of the vehicles failed to stop for the red traffic signal. Officersresponded and issued a citation to the party at fault.

At 10:32a.m., a customer at a business in the 3000 block of South Peck tried to pay formerchandise using counterfeit $20 dollar bills. Officers responded and detainedthe subject. It was determined that the subject did not know the bills werecounterfeit. Investigation is continuing.

At 11:12a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 100 block of Mauna Loa. The victimreported that his vehicle and attached trailer with a wave runner on it weretaken sometime during the night. Officers responded and checked the area, butwere unable to locate the missing vehicles. This investigation is continuing.

At 4:51p.m., two vehicles were traveling south on Mountain near Evergreen. One of thedrivers rear ended the vehicle stopped in front of him, then reversed and fledthe scene. No injuries were reported. Officers responded and checked the area,but were unable to locate the suspect vehicle. This investigation iscontinuing.

At 6:23p.m., a suspect entered a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain and tookseveral items without paying for them. The suspect pushed a cart with the itemsacross the parking lot, but abandoned the cart when he saw loss preventionofficers chasing after him. All the stolen items were recovered. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

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