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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Crime Blotters: March 29-April 4

Arcadia Crime Blotters: March 29-April 4

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Shortly before 11:34 a.m., an officer took atelephonic report of a package theft that occurred in the 1600 block ofHighland Oaks Drive. Surveillance footage revealed the suspect stole thevictim’s packages. The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, between theages of 20 and 30-years-old, 6 feet tall, 170 pounds, with brown hair, and hewas wearing a green jacket with blue jeans. The investigation is ongoing.

At approximately 8:07 p.m., an officer took atelephonic report of a fraud incident that occurred in the 1000 block of WestHuntington Drive. One roommate discovered the other roommate had accessed hischecking account and completed unauthorized transactions without the victim’sknowledge or permission. The suspect is a 46-year-old female from Arcadia. Theinvestigation is ongoing.


Just after 10:22 a.m., an officer responded tothe front counter of the Arcadia Police Department regarding a commercialburglary that occurred at Foothills Middle School, located at 171 E. SycamoreAve. The reporting party determined an unknown suspect smashed a kitchenwindow. There was no loss to report. The investigation is ongoing.

At approximately 3:10 p.m., an officer respondedto the Arcadia Police Department front counter regarding a fraud incident thatoccurred in the 600 block of West Naomi Avenue. The officer discovered anunknown suspect pried open a community mail box and fled with an unknown amountof mail. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.


Just before 6:39 p.m., an officer took a reportof a theft from vehicle that occurred in the 1100 block of West HuntingtonDrive. Sometime between 5:30 and 6:30 p.m. on March 31, an unknown suspectstole the rear mounted tire from the victim’s vehicle. No suspects were seenand no witnesses were located.


Around 8:58 a.m., an officer took a telephonicreport of a commercial burglary that occurred at Sun General Construction,located at 11700 Goldring Drive. Sometime during the previous night, unknownsuspect(s) accessed the roof of the building and fled with stolen skylights.The investigation is ongoing.

Shortly after 8:31 p.m., an officer took atelephonic report of a package theft that occurred in the 2000 block of ElkinsPlace. The victim discovered the suspect stole two credit cards from hisincoming mail, activated the cards, and made fraudulent purchases. No suspectswere seen and no witnesses were located.


Before 8:54 a.m., an officer took a report of avehicle that had been stolen from the 100 block of El Dorado Street. Sometimeduring the previous night, the victim’s vehicle was stolen but the victimlocated the van a short time later at the intersection of Diamond Street andFirst Avenue. The investigation is ongoing.

Around 2:20 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 400 block of Stanford Drive regarding a burglary report. Theofficer discovered the suspects entered by smashing a rear window, then, onceinside, they ransacked the home and fled with an unknown amount of property.The investigation is ongoing.

At 5:13 p.m., an officer took a telephonicreport of a grand theft that occurred in the 00 block of Fano Street. Thevictim reported two of his tires had been stolen from his vehicle sometimebetween 4:30 and 5:13 p.m. on April 2. No suspects were seen and no witnesseswere located.


At about 7:26 a.m., an officer took a report ofa theft from vehicle that occurred in the 500 block of Valido Road. The officerdiscovered the unknown suspect stole the victim’s property from her unsecuredvehicle. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.

Shortly after 10:59 a.m., an officer took areport of mail theft that occurred in the 300 block of Diamond Street. Theofficer determined an unknown suspect damaged the victim’s mail box in aneffort to steal her mail. No suspects were seen and no witnesses were located.

Just before 2:19 p.m., an officer responded to aresidence in the 800 block of Fallen Leaf Road regarding a burglary report.Surveillance footage revealed a lone male suspect entered the home on twoseparate occasions. No loss was reported. The suspect is described as a whitemale, approximately 18 to 25-years-old, with a slim build and light coloredhair. The investigation is ongoing.


At approximately 2:03 p.m., an officer took atelephonic report of a theft that occurred at Albertsons, located at 298 E.Live Oak Ave. Surveillance footage revealed a female suspect stole the victim’swallet from her purse while she was shopping, then proceeded to make fraudulentpurchases with the victim’s credit cards. The suspect is described as a whiteor Hispanic female, 23 to 27-years-old, approximately 5-foot-9, and 150 to 165pounds. The investigation is ongoing.

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