In Wednesday’s City Manager’s Update, Monrovia residents were warned that several coronavirus tracking and mapping sites are actually malware websites. Instead of clicking on these links, cybersecurity experts advise to hover over the link to verify the uniform resource locator (URL) before moving forward. Online hackers may also send emails from fraudulent accounts impersonating official websites and doctors, or offering medical supplies and services.
A trusted COVID-19 mapping resource is the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Global Map, which can be found at coronavirus.jhu.edu. Accurate, up-to-date information on COVID-19 can be also be found at:
- County of Los Angeles.
- County of Los Angeles Public Health.
- California Department of Public Health.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- City of Monrovia.
As residents continue to practice “Safer at Home” directives, scammers are also taking advantage by reaching out door-to-door asking for donations and fundraising contributions through cash, Bitcoin, or Paypal, according to the city manager.
The following is a list of safety tips to follow:
- Avoid online advertising offers related to COVID-19.
- Decline door-to-door solicitations claiming COVID-19 fundraising.
- Do not click on emails and attachments that you do not recognize.
- Visit trusted websites for COVID-19 related information.