MUSD Provides Additional Resources & Information for Parents
To assist with learning, the Monrovia Unified School District (MUSD) has provided additional educational resources and information that might help students and parents at home. These resources may be found on the Distance Learning Platform parent page. MUSD is also creating a weekly newsletter offering helpful tips and ideas for both parents and teachers.
Spring is usually when students begin testing but there areupdates on that front:
- SAT: College Board is canceling the May 2, 2020 SAT and SAT Subject Testadministration. Makeup exams for the March 14 administration (scheduled forMarch 28) are also canceled. Students who already registered forMay, whose March test centers were closed, or who do not receive March scoresbecause of any irregularities will receive refunds.
- ACT: The April 4test has been rescheduled to June 13 across the country.
- Advanced Placement: APexams are still planned students will take a 45-minute online free-responseexam at home. For each AP subject, there will be 2 different testing dates. Thefull exam schedule, specific free-response question types that will be on eachAP Exam, and additional testing details will be available by April 3. CollegeBoard will also unlock any relevant free-response questions in AP Classroom fordigital use so students can access all practice questions of the type that willappear on the exam. Any student already registered for an examcan choose to cancel at no charge.
Students now have the option of attending free, liveAP review courses, delivered by AP teachers across the country,on YouTube.
The California Department of Education also released informationregarding statewide testing on March 20:
- CaliforniaAssessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP): Testinghas been suspended for this year.
- EnglishLanguage Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC): TheSummative ELPAC test has been suspended for this year. The timeline for theELPAC assessment has been extended for 45 days after students return to school.
- California High School Proficiency Examination: Allstudents registered for the March test have been reregistered for the June 20exam or provided information how to request a refund.
- Physical Fitness Test: Onhold until our students return to school.
Questions about assignments should be referred to teachers. Generalquestions about the school your child attends should be directed to theschool’s administrators via email or phone call.