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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena Confirms First Case of COVID-19

Pasadena Confirms First Case of COVID-19

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coronavirus COVID-19
– Courtesy photo

The City of Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD) has confirmed thefirst case of novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in a Pasadena resident. Thisindividual was known to have close contact with a confirmed case outside ofPasadena, and has been in quarantine since the exposure occurred. This individual is recovering andis being followed by PPHD. To maintain patient confidentiality, no otherdetails will be shared on this individual.

PPHDis following up directly with those who have had close contact with thisindividual and may be at risk for COVID-19 infection. Close contacts are informedon how to assess and monitor for signs and symptoms of illness and arequarantined.

“Wehave been preparing and are ready to manage COVID-19 cases in Pasadena, inclose coordination with our healthcare partners,” said Dr. Ying-Ying Goh, PPHDdirector and health officer. “We will continue to recommend our communityimplement individual and community mitigation measures to reduce the risk ofspread of illness.”

Thelaboratory results for the Caltech student confirmed the student is not illwith COVID-19. The student’s evaluation was unrelated to the first confirmedcase of COVID-19 in Pasadena.

As laboratory capacity for COVID-19 increases, there may be additional confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the community. The City Manager’s Office has expected this and in response the city manager has established a citywide response team with representation from all departments. The response team’s first meeting was Wednesday afternoon. The team’s initial steps will be to open an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) at level III (lowest level), establish a Joint Information Center consisting of departmental public information coordinators to coordinate messaging as well as the Logistics Section of the EOC to facilitate the ordering of any needed supplies. The city is expected to announce the cancellation of city/city-sponsored events for the time being, out of an abundance of caution, on Thursday.

Individuals can take everyday precautions to reduce the risk of getting sick with seasonal colds or flu including:

  • Washhands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if soap and water are notavailable, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Coveryour cough or sneeze.
  • Stayhome if you are sick.
  • Getyour flu shot to protect against influenza.
  • Ifyou have recently returned from a country with ongoingCOVID-19 infections, follow public health guidance and monitor yourhealth. Call your healthcare providers and inform them about your travelhistory if you need care.

Youcan also prepare for possible disruptions to daily routines that could becaused by COVID-19:

  • Makesure you have a supply of all essential medications for your family.
  • Makea child care plan in case you or a care giver are sick.
  • Understandyour employer’s policies regarding leave and options for working from home.
  • Makearrangements for how your family will manage a school closure.
  • Makea plan for how you can care for a sick family member without getting sickyourself.

Forthe latest information on COVID-19, visit cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html.

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