CDC Warns Americans to Prepare for Pandemic
President disagrees despite the fact thatmore than 2,700 people have died from virus worldwide
By TerryMiller
The Center for Disease Control on Tuesday urged Americans to prepare for a coronavirus pandemic.
However, some don’t necessarily agree with the experts’ consensusincluding the president of the United States. President Trump is stating thatin fact the coronavirus is “going to go away.”
Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center forImmunization and Respiratory Diseases, said during a press briefing that the“rapidly evolving and expanding” COVID-19 outbreak has now seen“community spread” in multiple countries, as well as cases in severalregions without a known exposure to where the disease originated, Wuhan, China.
“These factors meet two of the three criteria for apandemic,” Messonnier said. “The world appears to be moving closer tothe third criteria — worldwide spread.”
On Monday, the World Health Organization declined to declare theoutbreak a pandemic, as cases emerged in Iran, Italy and elsewhere.