By Susan Motander
At one of the few resource centers set up in conjunction with CalVets, veterans can find all sorts of resources at the Monrovia Public Library, 321 S. Myrtle Ave. Established with a grant from CalVets, the program called “Veterans Connect at the Library” was set up.
Volunteers can regularly be found in the lobby of the Library at an orange tablecloth bedecked table. If no one is at the table check at the main desk for the specially trained Librarian, Mable Cross. Either the volunteers or Cross can assist with information from CalVets, job resources, even a computer program designed to assist vets with the preparation of resumes.
The Veterans Connect program in Monrovia is already workings. To date the program here has connected with 1972 veterans. The volunteers have logged 706 hours assisting with all sorts of issues including helping with resumes in 618 on-line workshop sessions as of last week. Doubtless more assistance has been given since.
But this is not all. A Veterans Service Officer is now on site every Monday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. To make a reservation, call The Veteran’s Librarian Cross, at (626) 256-8294. Reservations are preferred to ensure efficient service. The service officer can provide assistance not only to veterans but also to their families in preparing and submitting claims and represent them before federal, state and local agencies with their veterans’ benefits.
Some of the areas with which the service officer can assist are disability issues, life insurance, health care benefits, health care benefits, CalVet and VA loans, California College tuition fee waivers, and death benefits. Check at the Library for more information on these programs.
This program is not limited to Monrovia residents, just veterans and their families. They have earned it along with the thanks of the rest of us. Next time you are in the Library and you see someone at the orange bedecked table, stop to thank the volunteers, many of them are veterans themselves.